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Deanne, I'm glad Brian got the attention he needs. I hope that they can come up with a plan that keeps everyone happy and him healthy. Safe travel.

Deanne, I am happy to see that you are making progress with some of Brians problems. I think of you all and keep you in my prayers. (((((HUGS))))) x
I am so glad that you are getting some answers finally. I've been away for a while and am just now getting back in the swing of things here. Answers are good to have, and hopefully this will start Brian back on the right track by getting the right treatment plan. You have been through so much, my prayers are always with you. Wishing you a safe flight home tonight.
Whew! a little rollercoaster ride at CCF. Glad the final word for the moment is not as dramatic as it seemed to be headed toward. Hope that evaluations continue to be positive and continue to make sense for Brian. Your son needs a break.

Hope you've had a good flight home and are feeling encouraged.

Great job, Mom. Great job. You're amazing.

:) Marguerite
I am so sorry that this going on. Just checking in and found it. Poor Brian - and you, too. We know it is very hard, but thankful that they can do the wonders they do medically. He is in my prayers.

can't believe he is 19 now. I remember when he was way younger than that and would post here. Tell him a special hey from me.

Deanne, just managed to get on myself (time) and read your post; I am so glad that you seem to be getting somewhere, and hope that you'll get a real plan of action on Tuesday.

As for the bypass, it seems to me that Brian has been in hospital several times over the summer, and it seems that it has been mostly kidney issues, so this could be a really, really good thing, if I am remembering rightly. If his kidney is not functioning well, it can impact so much more of the body's systems, causing many complictions and even making CHF worse and all that. So, even that seems positive to me - it might keep hm out of hospital and healthier and stronger for a good bit longer!

Now, waiting for Tuesday . . .
Thoughts and prayers are with you, Deanne. You are doing an amazing job. It sounds like the CCF really knows what it is doing--so glad you are hooked up with them.
Wow- those emotional roller coasters - you just want to get off and they don't stop. I'm glad you are getting some answers and guidance. That CC must really be something. I hope you can get the authorization and insurance clearance to have these great minds work on Brian. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
