Gnusgal said:
Isn't she on her cruize? You know she wouldn't miss it if she can help it in any way.
*slaps forehead*
D'oh ... yeah, they are on the cruise ... completely forgot about that. My goodness. I think my job is gettin' to me a bit too much

mmarshall said:
cort..just a thought. everything is dallas/ft. worth is at least 20 to 30 minutes away from each other. i know you are coming from terrell but i would also consider where you are staying over night. if you are taking 75 or 35 the next morning to get up to oklahoma then 635/75 would be good for you. mesquite would not be a problem for people...i don' think...but coming from mesquite to get to 75 or 35 in the morning will not be fun due to rush hour traffic on 635.
Well, actually, right now, not sure exactly where I'm staying. I know I'm heading out to Terrell after our dinner (very sorry you are not able to come ... but I certainly understand ... he he he!) ... for a BBQ ... heh. After that, not sure. I know I'll get to the Dallas area late Wednesday night ... and thus, will be staying there 2 nights. The friend I stayed with 2 years ago most-likely will not be in town ... so, not sure yet...he he he. Certainly apprecaite the notes about the traffic. But, as I'm betting the group that met up with me in 2004 remembers, I came to Dallas on Friday afternoon ... right in the middle of rush hour traffic. What a nightmare that was.... Also in the mix is that I'll be heading to the west side of Dallas (maybe even to the Ft Worth area) for breakfast Friday morning before I leave town. Another friend who has plans Thursday night suggested we meet up for breakfast before I leave town. So, we'll see how that goes.
adamsmom said:
It will be interesting to see where you all decide to meet. I will just watch and when decided- see if it works for me. The further the drive, the more difficult it will be to talk my other into.
Understood ... and, no worries. Tho, I must admit it is the people I don't get to meet up with that frustrates me the most. I try to "appeal" to many different people from various forums/groups ... and, well, schedules don't always work for everyone. I know I missed seeing a LOT of people during my eastern road trip last August ... and that frustrated me to no end. And, I already know I'll miss some people these 2 upcoming trips ... because of timing. Ah, well ... such is life.
Christina L said:
Have a wonderful time on your road trip. It sounds exciting and the time of year is so beautiful to see the Midwest (anywhere really).
Oh, I will have a wonderful time ... thank you

Christina L said:
However, you are really missing out by not coming to Colorado!
Yeah, I know. I wish I had more vacation time to extend to Colorado AND to California ... as I'm gettin' flack from friends AND family in California for not making it out that far

. Aye. After the type of day I had today, tho, perhaps I should just quit my job anyway ... he heh.
Mary said:
I really think that if Little Rock is a destination, you'd be better off going south towards Normal/Bloomington on I-55, then continue on to Springfield, and cross into Missouri on 55/255. We are no more than 80 miles south of St. Louis on Interstate 55. You'd keep heading south on 55 until you're west of Memphis, and then take 40 into Little Rock. I can tell you from a trip last year that Little Rock is four hours from our house.
I think the distance would be less and you'd make better time if you followed my route, but of course, I realize it is your route to plan!* Look at a map, and see what you think.
I know what you mean, Mary ... but, that means going through St Louis traffic ... which does not appeal to me at all

. But, I'll keep this in mind. I suppose it depends on whether I get left Tuesday night or Wednesday morning ... and what time we meet up. I know that if I leave Tuesday night, I have to find a place to stay ... whereas, if I leave early Wednesday morning, it's a longer drive all the way to Dallas. Course, if I go I-55, I'll be missing some people in Marion IL.... Aye.
Guess we'll see

*pauses and shakes head*
I didn't think scheduling all of these "gatherings" would be so "nightmarish". Ironically, I'm starting to see some "patterns" of changes ... such that I'll need to post an update sometime this weekend ... he he he. But, well, if it means I get to meet up with a lot of people, it'll be well worth it, I'd say
