Marguerite53 said:I'm seeing my opthalmologist next week. I'm going to mention it to him, that there are so many of us here. I'll let you know if he says anything interesting. "See" you then!!
I mentioned the visual disturbances to my ophthalmologist 2+ years ago. He said many people get them -- including people who have not had OHS. Says he's gotten emergency phone calls from patients who have pulled over to the side of the road while driving, frantic because they've never had an optical migraine before.
I started having these 2-3 days post-op. Mentioned them to the surgeon. Guess I didn't describe them well enough, because he didn't understand what I was talking about.
I mentioned them to my dad while we were driving to my first recheck post-op. He's had them for years, has consulted an ophthalmologist AND a neuro-ophthalmologist, as well as his cardiologist.
There's not anything that can be done, he was told.
That's what my ophthalmologist told me too.
Two years ago, I mentioned them to a friend, a retired professor at Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, Tenn. He said the common thought is -- for people like me -- that they're related to a disturbance in blood flow and are common following heart surgery.
BTW, his mother had had MVR several years previously (at age 72), opted for a St. Jude instead of a tissue. Was doing fine 12 years later.