Now It's My Time....

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Mike From Michigan

Active member
Mar 15, 2004
Shelby Twp. Michigan
I just got my official surgery date yesterday - it is this Friday (6/18). :eek: :eek: They originally had it scheduled for 6/29 but I told them I didn't want to wait that long; the sooner the better.

The MRI results I got last week were not good at all - the AVA is 0.5 cm2 and I have a dilated ascending aorta at 5.5cm. Needless to say, when I heard this I was ready to be cut open on the surgeons desk right then and there! As my previous posts had mentioned, my echo-cardiograms did not ever pick up any dilated aorta and had my AVA at 1.0 cm2 (double the area). My surgeon said that the MRI gives near perfect measurements while the ECG is highly subjective, but that much variation is ridiculous, especially considering I'm an engineer who hates testing variability!! If I had relied solely on the ECG I might still be walking around thinking I am still months away from needing surgery. Now I feel like a ticking time bomb and suddenly all sorts of symptoms have appeared including pains in my stomach in addition to heart palpitations and pains - anxiety does do a number on you...

Anyway, this Tuesday is the cath. test and Friday will be the big day. Since both the valve and root must be replaced he recommended either the Medtronic Freestyle on the tissue side or the SJM Regents valve with Dacron hose/graft for the mechanical option. After a long discussion with him about my lifestyle, hobbies/habits, obsessions, etc. he said that the tissue option may be the way to go which was the way I was leaning (51% anyway, not counting the missing voting chads...); however I still have a few days to change my mind. Of course, once he gets in there the decision may be made for me...
Good luck to you. Summer is a good time for recovery, you can walk outside, enjoy the sunshine and nature. You will be fine!
All my best wishes for a great surgery and recovery. I was like you "I WANT IT DONE NOW!!!!" I was ready to jump up on the table and swab myself down.

One week from today is the lucky day. We'll all be thinking of you. Do you have someone to post for you and let us know how the surgery went?
Keep your head up

Keep your head up

The sooner the better, get it over with. I agree with Tom, summer is the best time for recovery, at least you'll get to walk outside and feel the sun. I had 2 feet of snow during my recovery so I was miserable and walking in circles around my kitchen.
I wish you the very best. I know you will have a successful surgery. We are all praying for you here. If possible, have someone post for you so we know how you are doing.
Lots of love,

Sooner is better in your case, I agree! You will be glad you did it when it's all over. Anxiety can really wreak havoc with your systems, so try to stay cool for the next week. Relax through the cath procedure - it's not that bad.

And do keep us posted so we can do all the "worrying" for you! :)
Mike, scary news from your MRA. I'm surprised they didn't check your coronary arteries while you were in there, so you could skip the catheterization, which at this point would be just to check for blockages to correct while they're in there.

Note: my cardiologists kept correcting me about it: the A apparently stands for angiogram, making it Magnetic Resonance Angiography, rather than Imaging. At least, according to them...

Please post us later to tell us what the valve area turns out to be. Usually, it will show up on your surgical report. I would really like to know if the MRA produces results that exact, or if it's just another tech boosting the mystique of his specialty machine. At .5 cm squared, you should be quite symptomatic.

If you choose the Medtronics Freestyle, remember to ensure that it is the current model, which has all of the new technical advantages of the Mosaic. I don't know where you're having it done, but sometimes hospitals just use up stock as they have it, if you don't say something. (Yes, they actually keep them in bottles in a drawer.) You can read about the Freestyle models and what technical specs they should have at, if you click on medical professional (instead of patient), and click on products. The Dacron/St. Judes mechanical valve combination is a fine product, too, of course.

I wish you happy fortune with your surgery and recovery.

Well, those results certainly took the guesswork out of when to have this done. I really wouldn't push myself this week with anything at all stenuous. There is nothing that important that it can't wait a couple of months.

It does look like you are first in line now. The waiting really was the hardest part for me emotionally and, since I was very symptomatic, physically as well. Some of what you are feeling may have been there all along but you didn't pay much attention to it.

We are here to walk through this with you. Try to have someone post, OK? By the way....try to get the license number of that truck.
Thanks for all your best wishes. I just had a pre-op and pre cath. exam and consultation and got to speak with an anestheolgist which made me a little more at ease with what is to come...

Bob, as for the "freshness" of the Freestyle valve/root, the surgeon said he had an old sales sample kicking around from a few years ago that he can clean up and throw in for cheaper or he can really give me a deal on an old ball and cage type valve that he has on his desk from 30 years ago - he called it a "throwback" model as "throwback" paraphanalia seems to be in vogue these days ... :D :D Actually, he even said I had to make my choice a few days before surgery because they have to order them as the hospital does not like to keep a lot in stock because of the $$ and chance of obsolescence. He said I would be getting the latest and greatest, but thanks for your tip anyway.

Yes, I will have someone post ASAP after my surgery...

Thanks again...


Nothing wrong with giving your ticker the "retro" look, long as they're going to be in there anyway. We really don't devote enough thread time to interior decorating... :D

Imagine at replacement time: "Wow! Would you look at that! They sure don't make 'em like that anymore!" Maybe we could find one in aqua, or avacado. Do they come with dual, chromed exhausts?

I was going to suggest that the hospital could save some money by looking around for a good, used valve. Then I realized that a tissue valve is a good, used valve. Just took all the fun right out of that. Maybe you should just see how much you could get on a trade-in for the old one.

You're about to step onto the tallest roller coaster in the park. Enjoy the view, and remember to scream really loud on the way down. Closing your eyes while the ride is moving is allowed, and for some twists and turns, highly recommended.

We'll be here waiting for you.

Very best wishes,
Best of luck!!!!

I'll echo the summer recovery time...

My surgery was actually in March but I didn't get out of the hospital and home until the end of April (I'm always the exception to the rule it seems...)

Spring seemed like the perfect time to get out and start the real road of recovery. Everyhting was fresh and new and bright and wonderful and even over a year later it still seems like that....

As bad as you may feel now, you'll be feeling a whole heluva lot better soon.

Treat the nurses nice and they'll be good to you. :cool:
Hang in there, Mike! It's a tough thing to face, but you'll probably find it's not as bad as you imagine. Take good care of yourself on the other side...maybe next spring I'll jog a couple of laps around Stony Creek lake w/ you ;)

Keep us posted!

I'll be recovering right along w/ you. My surgery is July 12th. I wish now that I would have told them to do it sooner, because this waiting is driving me crazy! I had my angiogram done yesterday, and asked my cardio half joking-ly
if I could just stay in the hospital and get it over with. Anyways, best of luck to you, you'll do great!

Aortic Stenosis
D-day is July 12th
Mike, Best of Luck on your surgery and recovery. The waiting is truly the hard part,keep your head up. I had an eleven week wait from the time I knew, kept busy and worked till two days before. Had ups and downs, mentally wise. Have trust in your surgeon! Mine kept saying "what else can I do while in there I've got two girls in college" The hospital part goes by in a flash. I went in on a wednesday at 8:30, surgery at 12:30, intensive care at 4:30, step down room on friday(would of been thursday but no step down room) and home on saturday at 2:00. Where are you having the surgery done? I had mine at U of M. Where in Michigan do you live, I'm from the Lansing area. Gordie
Hey Mike! Congrats on getting scheduled so soon. You have a little time to take care of the essentials but not so much as to wear you out.

Be sure you (1) have a recliner that's comfortable and convenient (first floor, plenty of remotes); (2) have a will, living will and durable power of attorney; (3) provisions for paying bills for first couple or three weeks; (4) have really comfortable clothes for a couple of months' worth of lying around the house (something really smooth down the front so the incision won't be irritated); and (5) small stool or chair for shower so you won't get dizzy for first couple of weeks.

Between now and the surgery, eat everything you love (it won't taste good for quite a while post-surgically); drink as you wish; see movies; and generally cherish these few days.

Best of luck; and please have someone post for you after surgery because we're worry-worts.
Hi Mike,
Good luck to you this week.
It is certainly normal to be a little nervous at this time.
I know from experience you are going to the right place and have the best team to do the 'job'.
Paul Clancy was my surgeon from that group,I understand he is semi-retired.
Valve choice is difficult but certainly very personal.
They didn't give me a choice but rather told me at age 58 I was too young for a tissue valve.
I also am a GM engineer and agree that the variations in these tests are hard to believe.
If that was the best we could do testing cars we would be out of business.
Hi Mike,

I'm pretty new to this site. Haven't done much posting, but have done a lot of reading. It just amazes me the support you get from this site. I know what you have been going through waiting for your surgery. Mine is scheduled on 6/21. I have been waiting for 2 1/2 months. I wanted to wait until my youngest was out of school. I don't know if that was the best thing to do, but I did, and I am so glad that the day is almost here. Just wanted to tell you that I will be praying for you. You're in good hands with God.
Good luck with your surgery Mike. It is a shock when you get the news that you need open heart surgery, but the waiting is the worst. Try to have some time to yourself before the big day, relax and do what you want to do. Will be thinking of you and wishing you the best.
Kathy H. :)

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