Ross ,
Sorry to hear about your situation.This is one of my most disturbing subjects. We here in the USA GIVE ALOT OF MONEY AWAY TO WELFARE ,AND MORE THAN 50% OF THE PEOPLE GETTING IT DON'T NEED IT.I was never intended to be abused but it truly is. We give foreigners a home,food,health&dental with in 24 hours of landing here. Some of our own seniors ,disabled, and veterans are suffering. Working as a nurse seeing seniors refuse certain med because they can't afford it, they say we have to eat.It's hard to believe but it does exist.Welfare people going to Er's for simple things like strep throat or pregnancy test both which cost over 500 dollars when ER is involved,.Pregnancy tests can be purchased at Target or any RX for 8.99,they are always honest and say why should I buy it when I get it here free. They dont care about the ER cost. Strep throat can be delt with at reg Dr or urgent care. My father was vacationing in the Middle East ISREAL he collapsed they brought him to the hospital with chest pain and all,and would not do a damn thing til we wired 50,000 dollars or they would of let him go. HE had insurance showed them the card but they deal with cash. He is a USA citizen. We ended up airlifting him out after 3 weeks in ICU. My point is other countries will not give you a kernel of rice free. We give so much that sometimes our own people suffer,and it is wrong. I am not agaist foreigners my parents were both from the Middle East my father came here with 200 dollars in his pocket and worked his ass off.Received a PHD in computer science and MS in eletrical engineering and had a very good job, point is he did it by himself. Now people come over and do not work and expect everything and we give it to them.Before my heart surgery in 2000 my friend and I started to lobby here in Mpls. to try and increase awareness,but after my surgery it fell way back on list.The only way things are going to change is to campaing on these issues. It's just getting worse every year.People from all over come to MN. for the welfare,not the weather. Ross , I know that alot of these programs have such severe money restrictions ,have you tried the regional director of your counties social workers or your county commisionermore some info ours helped us with my mom. They seemed to know about some smaller funding sites.hfk