Now I'm worried

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I know it doesn't help much, but the times when I look at my checkbook at see $11.34 left (like now. . .? ), I just try to look around and see what I DO have: a roof over my head, food in the refrigerator - a refrigerator! Not only a refrigerator, but reliable electricity to run the fridge! Friends and family to love and who love me, a computer to communicate with - a computer! - reliable connectivity!
Herein lies the problem. I'm trying desperately to keep these and they are slowly yet progressively taking these little luxuries away also. It's honestly, at some point, going to affect our very livelihood and home.

Oh yeah, and no more free air. Their charging for it too now!
cost of living

cost of living

I have a 36 yr. old daughter with RA and has not been able to work for 6 years. She has 4 kids and finally got her SS a couple of months ago. It took her over 3 years. They still have to file bankruptcy to get rid of old debt that they will never catch up on. Her husband does work but he is a carpenter and there is not much going on around here due to the economy. A lot of big contracts were cancelled for that reason. Finally went back to work but had to work out of a union hall in another city. I just got a 3% raise and you would have thought they were giving me the world. I know my medical costs and his have really put us back financially. The coinsurance, the cost of travelling to and from Drs. and hospitals etc. It is unreal what we have put out in medical bills in the last 3 yrs. Hopefully we will see an end to it soon. He is diabetic so who knows what is ahead for us. Everytime we plan something we have to make sure that noone needs meds. etc. By the looks of it, I will be working until 65 if things do not improve. Most of my retirement went down the tubes with the stock market. Ross, I hope things get better for you. There is nothing worse than worrying and being stressed.
Your in my prayers Ross, and your concerns a very waranted. I don't say that lightly.
Melissa, you really said it right, and we all need to be reminded of how very fortunate we are. Through teaming up 'World Vision' I have really had to take a wake-up call too how blessed I am. So many women and children suffer with no clean drinking water, no power at all, no health care, and no chance of any education. It is just living a life of survival; and taking note of it all, really puts are situations in the proper perspective.

Geez, Ross, I am Sorry.

Geez, Ross, I am Sorry.


This is such a bummer. What is a person to do? Here in my court, 3 people were riffed [reduction in force] just like that. No money to fund our office, plenty of money to spend on sticking our nose in every other country's business. And cost-of-living raises, what a joke.

Still, I need to be grateful that I have a job and that I can work. Yet, each year the insurance premiums coming out of my check increase, and the deductibles and co-pays go up. Come January 1st, my check will most likely be smaller. So what cost-of-living increase did I get? Nada.

I truly hope you can find some way to work with this set-back.

You and your family are in my thoughts.


I just returned home from a trip up in the Smokies. I bought a book..Rural American Farm Lore..Year..1905.........One says....Never stand afar and view with fear and trembling that which lies in your way. Face it boldly and see how very small it is, after all....:) :) :) Just keep on smiling cheerfully, if hope is nearly gone.....And bristle up and grit your teeth, and keep on keepin' on.:D :D :D You have been here everyday for all of us...and we will see you through this..:) :) :) Let us know who we can bombbard with letters..:p :p :p Remember, you and Lyn can always move in with me....But don't complain about my cooking.:p :p :p You can even bring the Grandkids.:p Rufus can teach them how to survive on top of a mountain.:p :p Now, you get in a good mood and we will help you figure it all out. Bonnie..Your bride.


Half is that all. My disability doesn't even cover my meds.

Re: costs

Re: costs

medtronic of borg said:
Half is that all. My disability doesn't even cover my meds.

Mine doesn't either Borg dude. That's why I say half of the check goes for health care and they expect you to live on the rest?

I'll get through this. It's just sickening that's all. What worries me even more is those of you who haven't retired or signed up for Medicare yet. If you don't voice your opinions now and help bring about some type of change, your going to be in for a whole world for of hurt yourselves. Please think about that.

It really makes you wonder why you worked so hard all those years and saved what you could, all to watch someone else come and take it all away from you. I'm not kidding here.
I'll say one more thing then this thread can rest.

Do not feel sorry for me.

Feel sorry for everyone.

This is a problem that affects everyone. If it hasn't affected you yet, it will soon enough. Please take the time to contact your elected officials and let them know that this has to be addressed now, not next session, not next election, but now. If they don't get an overwhelmingly strong show of discontent over health care issues, this will carry on and it's going to take an even heavier toll on this Country then we already have.

Thanks for your support. I'll be quiet now.

You are such a positive and compassionate person and I am so sorry to read about your difficulties.

As more baby boomers approach retirement and increased medical difficulites due to age, I fear most of us may be headed for difficult financial times.

Our tax dollars are not only wasted overseas. As a special educator I have seen many children on SSD who really do not need full benefits. Their parents have jobs and insurance and their disabilities are not that complex. Other parents take the money and spend it elsewhere. SSD also pays for therapy in the school which REALLY varies in it's effectiveness and necessity. I fill out the forms for the state which summarize the educational needs of applicants. I have called down to the office in Columbus and expressed my distress about individual cases.

Local education funds pay for personal paraprofessionals (at >$9 an hour with full benefits) to assist children whose parents scream loud enough and threaten lawsuits. I have had students who travel 20-25 miles by ambulette to my class.

There are children and families who desperately need the assistance. SSD funds are not always sufficient for those families. Go figure!
Like I said, don't feel sorry for me. Feel sorry for everyone, including yourselves. If it hasn't affected you yet, it will.

There are certainly more people even worse off then I. I cannot imagine how anyone can afford to survive on straight Medicare without being on a Medicare HMO. If those folks were affluent at one time, they sure aren't going to be for very long, which is why I'm angry. I feel that if you worked and saved and did the best you could, you should be entitled to live without fearing bankruptcy at every turn, should you retire or become disabled. Yeah I know, life isn't always fair.

I set aside my 24 hours to vent on this subject and I think I've done so. Time for me to move on to other things and dwell on this no longer.
I'm so sorry to hear of these troubles. As has been echoed by several others, we truly have a healthcare crisis in this country which really needs addressed. Government spending is so out of control, and with all the money being funneled into other countries, one has to truly wonder where we're going to be in twenty years. It's frightening.
my ideas

my ideas

To Ross, and everybody else in the forum...

I understand what it feels like...I am lucky that my husband is in the navy and we get the free health care...but that's the only reason that he stayed in the navy. for a paycheck and insurance. Otherwise, we would be homeless and unable to have any luxuries. It angers me that our so called President is spending billions overseas and yet, not helping americans at all. Iraq was not an imminent danger...our soldiers didn't find what we were accusing Hussein of having. Every country has weapons...even us. It just angers me, and a lot of other people. I am definatley voting this time...AGAINST bushI hate to say it, but our country was better off financially when Clinton was in office. Now we're back in debt, more than ever. I wish everyone with a health issue would write to the white house and tell their story, and ask how we're supposed to live on SSDI. I understand that not everyone with health issues is on SSDI, but we could sure try!
Ross ,

Sorry to hear about your situation.This is one of my most disturbing subjects. We here in the USA GIVE ALOT OF MONEY AWAY TO WELFARE ,AND MORE THAN 50% OF THE PEOPLE GETTING IT DON'T NEED IT.I was never intended to be abused but it truly is. We give foreigners a home,food,health&dental with in 24 hours of landing here. Some of our own seniors ,disabled, and veterans are suffering. Working as a nurse seeing seniors refuse certain med because they can't afford it, they say we have to eat.It's hard to believe but it does exist.Welfare people going to Er's for simple things like strep throat or pregnancy test both which cost over 500 dollars when ER is involved,.Pregnancy tests can be purchased at Target or any RX for 8.99,they are always honest and say why should I buy it when I get it here free. They dont care about the ER cost. Strep throat can be delt with at reg Dr or urgent care. My father was vacationing in the Middle East ISREAL he collapsed they brought him to the hospital with chest pain and all,and would not do a damn thing til we wired 50,000 dollars or they would of let him go. HE had insurance showed them the card but they deal with cash. He is a USA citizen. We ended up airlifting him out after 3 weeks in ICU. My point is other countries will not give you a kernel of rice free. We give so much that sometimes our own people suffer,and it is wrong. I am not agaist foreigners my parents were both from the Middle East my father came here with 200 dollars in his pocket and worked his ass off.Received a PHD in computer science and MS in eletrical engineering and had a very good job, point is he did it by himself. Now people come over and do not work and expect everything and we give it to them.Before my heart surgery in 2000 my friend and I started to lobby here in Mpls. to try and increase awareness,but after my surgery it fell way back on list.The only way things are going to change is to campaing on these issues. It's just getting worse every year.People from all over come to MN. for the welfare,not the weather. Ross , I know that alot of these programs have such severe money restrictions ,have you tried the regional director of your counties social workers or your county commisionermore some info ours helped us with my mom. They seemed to know about some smaller funding sites.hfk


Boy, am I learning. After, hubby's cath of heart last week..went in to get his meds. Mentioned he was on Medicare. At age 73. She said, Medicare does not pay for any medicines. B/P meds was o.k. but Wellbutrin for his cessation of smoking. $150.00 for 30 days. Hubby has not been sick or any surgeries or meds ever. Paid the $150.00..but he was so mad. Said he would take the one month then go cold turkey..for quitting smoking....Doing so good now. that I believe him. Put all the pipes away. Our insurance will pay 80% of it..but he way....Bonnie
hey ross!
i'm sorry you have to aggravate yourself about this stuff... it's not the first time i find myself reading this sort of thinkg on this forum...
such a shame.
i hope things start looking up soon. i also really admire your spirit and ability to smooth things over_ must be driving you nuts!!! how frustrating...
well, if you're gonna write/call your senators in D.C., while you are at it, ask him/her why they just voted themselves a $3400 raise for 2004. their salaries have increased $21,000 in the past several years. And they get another one every single year. In 2004 each of their salaries will be $158,000/yr. And most of them are millionaires to start with. When Pres Bush took office, the moment he walked in, the president's salary doubled. How's that for taking care of the citizens who vote for these bozos. And WE paid the bill.:confused: :mad:

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