Now I'm dealing with Medical Issue #3 Now!!

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rachel_howell said:
A lot of people feel something that feels like a pulled muscle about 2-4 days before the skin breaks out. That is really the start of the illness. It starts in the nerve and the inflammation works its way up to the surface of the skin. When they say you have to start the medication within the first two days of the illness, I'm not sure what they mean.

Actually the initial pain that you mention is preceded by a day or so of flu-like symptoms--sore throat, fever, general malaise.

Regarding the start of the medication, they are referring to the 48-72 hour time period following the first skin eruption.

I've learned to recognize an attack before the initial eruption, so the medication is very effective.

However, the shingle vaccination will hopefully preclude any more attacks. I had to pay for mine, insurance won't cover it unless you're over 60, but the $185 was well worth it.
rachel_howell said:
With all due respect, I never had that, so apparently it is not universal. Thanks for the clarification about what is meant by onset of illness in the context of starting medication.

The flulike symptoms typically occur as much as a week before the initial pain. Most people forget that they ever felt them, because of the length of time that has passed. Perhaps you fit into that category? Many people don't connect the initial searing pain to an outbreak either. They recognize it after they've been diagnosed and then read information about the disease.
Unfortunately, there is little doubt about what is occuring once you suffer the skin eruption. :( And that's really all that matters to most people!
Wow, I'm sorry to read this Jeff! It's really good that you went to the doctor right away--I think that's one of the most important things I've read about shingles. I have a couple of friends who developed shingles somewhat like you are describing and for one the worse part went away much sooner than for the other one. The one with the worse pain had to go on some special pain relievers for several months and it helped them very much. I hope you are one of the ones it resolves quickly for.

BTW - I've read it's important to stay away from pregnant women also, in case they haven't had chicken pox...

I've read that Cool Cayenne can help some symptoms--don't try it unless you've checked with your doctor and researched it though, okay?

Hoping you're much better very soon.


Mary said:
Actually the initial pain that you mention is preceded by a day or so of flu-like symptoms--sore throat, fever, general malaise.

Regarding the start of the medication, they are referring to the 48-72 hour time period following the first skin eruption.

I've learned to recognize an attack before the initial eruption, so the medication is very effective.

However, the shingle vaccination will hopefully preclude any more attacks. I had to pay for mine, insurance won't cover it unless you're over 60, but the $185 was well worth it.

I can say that I don't remember feeling bad over the last month. In fact, I've felt great since they took my gall bladder out. I'm actually continuing to take my BP, Pulse, Temp, Weight, etc. every morning. Everything has been a-ok.

As for catching everything from the first skin eruption, I do believe I was able to do that. Thinking back, it was late Sunday or early Monday when I noticed what I thought were three bug bites along the ridge of my left eye. From there it went downhill very fast. I was at the Vandy Walk-In clinic mid morning last Wednesday. The good news is that no new blisters have developed, and the scabs have started to fall off. However, it hurts like the worst migraine I have ever experienced. The Lyrica (Nerve Med) I am on seems to help out some, but it tends to stop working too soon. I'm going to see if I can increase my dosage tomorrow when I talk to my doctor.

Hope to be through this soon. Any suggestions on other ways to treat this would be greatly appreciated.




I probably had the blisters for around a week before I got to the doctor and the meds pretty much stopped the blistering about a week after I started the prescription.

The blistering started while I was at a golf school and I jumped on an airplane and flew to Seattle before seeing a doctor when the school was finished. Pain was pretty intense; like my leg was falling off. It took absoultely no prodding to get me to see a doctor when I returned the following week.

Whatever you do, don't break the blisters. The scabs that form itch worse than the blisters and tend to leave scars.

Personally, I think I felt less pain as a result of my OHS than I had with shingles.

If you're on meds, you'll get better. Hang in there.

Got on an Airplane??

Got on an Airplane??

Philip B said:
The blistering started while I was at a golf school and I jumped on an airplane and flew to Seattle before seeing a doctor when the school was finished. Pain was pretty intense; like my leg was falling off. It took absolutely no prodding to get me to see a doctor when I returned the following week.

Whatever you do, don't break the blisters. The scabs that form itch worse than the blisters and tend to leave scars.

I'm betting that somebody else got shingles after being on that airplane with you. :D just kidding!!

I wish I had known about not breaking the blisters last week. I was holding a wet warm wash cloth against my face to try and get a little relief. The problem started when I moved the wash cloth just a little bit while it was still on my face. Didn't mean to do it, but it popped a couple of the blisters right off my face above my eye. The thought hit me really quick that I probably shouldn't have done that. This was followed by lots of pain.

This is driving me crazy. I guess the only good news is that I am not sick to my stomach. That to me is the nail in the coffin. The face pain, which is like a really really bad migraine is bad, but I can almost ignore it some. Of course it gets easy to do that when I'm taking Lyrica for the nerve pain.

How long did the nerve pain stick around after the blisters healed?

Thanks for the info!!

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