I met the trained pharmacist and got some first hand trainining this week. He told me that the 15 second interval can be a bit exagerated, maybe not 45 seconds but 20-23 seconds should be ok. Results may be slightly off but.... I think I was a bit tense with that time limit since the drop of blood seem to take a long time to flow. He told me that applying pressure between the first knuckle and the hand for 15-20 seconds prior to picking will get the blood built up at the tip.
Anyway, I finally was able to get a result of 3.0 with my XS immediately after returning from the clinic which later in the day reported a result of 3.06 from my blood draw. Can't get any closer than that. Hoping that I can continue in that direction. Yeahhhhhhhhh
SM, that is totally excellent !!!!!!!