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Howdy everyone,
My week of marathon doctor appointments is almost over! Just have dentist appointment today and then nothing until Monday!!! YIPPEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of said dentist appt.... I did end up with a soft tissue infection from the dental work :( so was put back on antibiotics again. I take my last one today.

The visit with the plastic surgeon was great. Only two more fills to go we think! Then it will be overfilled by 20%.... after that he will go in and remove the expander and put the implant in! I will be happy to have this over with, but not so happy that I will not be able to see him anymore (sigh). You all know how I feel about nice-looking docs! lol

Visit with oncologist yesterday. Well... what can I say about that? Get there... they draw blood. Now this is a usual thing to happen there, but in light of the fact that they were going to draw MORE blood later, you'd think they would allow me to keep THAT VIAL!!!! :mad: GRRRRRRRRR

When the hema/onc showed up in the exam room he tells me that we need to discuss a few things. Seems that he had attended a seminar and discovered that he should also be doing bone marrow aspirations (conventional cytogenetics) twice a year. What really ticks me off is that I have been saying this all along!!! So... says he... "Would you like to have one done today, or come back?"

Like anyone likes having a corkscrew stuck in them!!!

Naturally before anything else was said I told him that yes, I would like it done then so I would not have to come back for a while. Fine says he.... "I'll have to get my PA to do it though... I have other patients and this wasn't scheduled." Okay.

I have had one other BMA and it was done by him. I really didn't think it was bad... the procedure when they drained the fluid off my lung hurt a lot worse! (Don't you just love how they call them "PROCEDURES"?????)

Well I can now tell you... his PA doesn't know nuttin' about doing BMAs!!!! Four shots of lidocaine and it still hurt!!!! She will NEVER do another one on me!!! Granted that there are a lot of nerve endings near your hip bone... but sheesh!!! I am still sore today!!!! And grouchy it seems! lol

I just hope that the dental PROCEDURE is quick because it hurts like hell to lay on my back!

Okay done with my whine for the day!!! Who's got the cheese anyway?

Take care,

That sounds attrocious ... I think I would have jabbed a needle in him! They have to do this evey time they take blood? I thought monthly blood draws were the pits. Hang in there kiddo.
You know, you could always make up an excuse to see your lovely Doc. Did I hear someone say Cat scratch fever? hmm. Anyway, you've been through a lot since I've been on here and more when I wasn't, so if you feel grouchy and ouchy, hey, your darn well entitled too!

BMA vs. Something Fun

BMA vs. Something Fun

Hello Zazzy, I had two hip aspirations done 22 years ago to "stage" my Hodgkin's disease. If I were to compile a list of things I would like to do again, the BMA would not be on it. In a word, ow.
One thing I've never understood. Why do they say that you may feel some discomfort, when what they really mean is "It's going to hurt bad? :confused:
Yeah Ross, why is that? When I had pleural effusion my cardio told me before the procedure that it wouldn't hurt. Well.... he still owes me 80 doz. roses for that one!!! lol

Johnny, may be coming over to the Seattle area in the future to talk to the people at The Hutch about a stem cell transplant. Would be fun to have coffee.

Take care,
I was about to write to you this mornin around the time you have posted, but my brother called and halted me. Was wondering how things are going and what went with the blood tests, tooth, etc. Can't have you with an infection, you know. Are you going to send us a new picture once you get 'blown up'?

Take care, dear Zazzy - you know you are one of our special folks in here and we must take good care of you. God bless:)
Coffee's on me

Coffee's on me

Hey Zazzy, that would be great. Fred Hutchinson is a great institution; I had some of my Hodgkin's workups done there many years ago and they are closely allied with UW where I had my valve job.

Let me know when you're coming over. Our next challenge will be to find someplace in Seattle to have coffee ;)