I just caught this,its after 1:00 am and I'm still up and awake,so I will
be sending you my prayers now. I'm so sorry you have to go thru all
this waiting and especially not knowing what is going on,that is the
worst part. When things like this happen I try to tell myself that "it"
happened for a reason...like you were not meant to have the surgery
at that particular time,I mean who knows the reasons(if there are)for
things. With some of the things I have been thru I almost have to believe
that there is a reason and a meaning for these rough times. Anyway,I
pray that things go well,sending you my best wishes,youwill be in my
thoughts,let us know whats up-Dina
BTW-I try not to tell people to take benzdiazepines,but your situation
is one of the reasons that this med was created,don't put yourself thru
H**l for no good reason. None of us here are puritans,least of all me