Normal chest x-ray but 7cm echo?

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New member
Jan 18, 2010
Hamburg, NJ USA
Is is possible to have a normal chest x-ray and then have the echocardiogram show a 7cm aortic root?

Sorry for the new member question out of nowhere. I just learned that I have a BAV w/aortic dilation so am I a bit panic stricken. The strange thing is with a diameter of that size the physician said he expected to see it on the chest x-ray. But the chest x-ray looked normal to him.

He mentioned that the echo may not be accurate with regard to the dilation. The explanation he gave me was that the diameter of a pencil will be longer if sliced at an angle instead of sliced at a perfect 90 degrees.

I have an appointment with Dr. Randall Griepp in NYC on Friday to have the CT scan. I know he has a good reputation but does anyone here have experience with him?
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My aneurysm was found on a routine chest xray but only one xray ever found it--I must have been a bit on an angle or something. But, chest xrays almost NEVER find aneurysms. My echos never saw my aneurysm at all. It was sort of (in my long torso) in a blind site above the routine echo and below most chest xrays.

As Ross said, you need a CT scan of your thoracic area.
I concur, a CT is in order.

With BAV and an Aortic Aneurism, you would be best served by a Surgeon with Experience dealing with those issues. When you interview surgeon(s) be sure to ask about his experience doing Surgery of the Aorta and recognizing signs of Connective Tissue Disorder which is often associated with BAV, especially when there is an associated aneurism. Typically these kinds of surgeons are most likely to be found at Major Heart Hospitals. This type of surgery of beyond the usual 'comfort zone' of most local 'ByPass Surgeons'.

'AL C'
x-ray missed mine, echo missed mine, they passed a catheter right through it and missed it, it was only found after a CT with contrast.

The new abdominal one found, was found by accident during a CT scan when I had a GI bleed.
Thoracic and abdominal aneurysms do show up on plain X-ray films but they need to be fairly large. Plain films are two dimensional while CT is three dimensional and much better.Ultrasound is good for abdominal aortic aneurysms , also OK for thoracic aneurysms but as stated by Ross, very technician dependent.
Like others have said, the x-ray missed mine, but it was found with and echo, and confirmed with a ct scan....
CT Scan

CT Scan

Yeah, like others have indicated, a CT scan should give you a good picture of how big your aneuryism is.

They did a echo on me first. Followed the echo with a heart cath and then a CT scan.

A 7 cm aneuryism is a big deal.

Dr. Griepp has an awesome reputation. I'm pretty sure he is connected with Arlys and the Bicuspid Aortic Foundation. If you go to their site I think you will find his name among doctors involved with it. Best of luck.
I have nothing to add - just wanted to say welcome! This place is full of good info for people like us - I'm amazed at how much everyone knows. I too have had conflicting echos by the way.

Best of luck!


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