Well-known member
Just read on Niki's page (gnusgal) that she is now officially an auntie! Looks like that last surgery didn't hold her back one bit! That's my Niki! Hugs. J.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 06, 2007 05:58 AM, CDT
Wyland Gilly Oeser was born yesterday morning (June 5, 2007) at 10:09 AM, weighing in at 7lbs, 13oz, and 19 3/4 in. Erin, Marty, and Wyland are doing great... I'm happy to report I was the first non-parent, non-medical personel to hold him. And he's absolutely perfect!
I will be returning to the hospital today to help take care of Mommy and Baby, and give Daddy a break. I am so proud of Erin for doing it all with NO DRUGS and only needing 9 minutes of pushing!
She is woman, hear her roar!
Check out the photo page for pics of my little nephew!
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 06, 2007 05:58 AM, CDT
Wyland Gilly Oeser was born yesterday morning (June 5, 2007) at 10:09 AM, weighing in at 7lbs, 13oz, and 19 3/4 in. Erin, Marty, and Wyland are doing great... I'm happy to report I was the first non-parent, non-medical personel to hold him. And he's absolutely perfect!
Check out the photo page for pics of my little nephew!