TMI warning. Before surgery I was one sweaty bastard. When I used to exercise and I exercised alot I would sweat oodles. I always have a towel with me at the gym, and after my sessions my short and shirt would be soaked completely. I suppose it helped that I drank 1-2 gallons of water per day each and every day.
Either way, I am home post op and not exercising at the moment, so I cannot speak in regards to my exercise sweat. However, I used to always sweat at night (just a little bit, but enough for me to notice), and now I think I sweat a bit more. My internal thermostat like others goes wiggy sometimes and if I sweat at night and wake up it is kind of gross and more noticeable than before.
Not as much of an annoyance to me if I can get back to sleep, which currently is a bit difficult.
TMI warning over.