Niece scheduled

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2006
Acworth, GA
My 32 YO Neice is scheduled for aortic valve replacement either tomorrow or wednesday. She was to have her cath this afternoon. So soon after her kidney transplant has to be hard on her, but she is a strong young woman.

Not sure what kind or which valve yet, she did not seem to know when I talked to her this monring.
Oh my goodness. Such a young woman to go through so much. Sending you and her my very best wishes.
Please let us know how she is.
Dewayne,great u updated,
Prayers for comfort to you and your neice
All the best,keep us updated when you can

FInally got an email from my brother saying it is scheduled for Wednesday, still cannot believe they have not talked to the surgeon yet.that is supposed to happen tomorrow. I am sitting by my phone in case my niece has questions to ask me!
Wishing your neice a successful surgery and a speedy recovery, all the best.
She is in my prayers for a successful surgery and a smooth recovery. Please keep us posted.
Well now for some reason they have postponed Wednesday's surgery. Was told they didn't get some tests done today for some reason. Will let you know when its rescheduled.
Seems the doctor that did the kidney transplant was not comfortable with the heart surgery so soon after, so for now its on hold. No time line for when it will be done for now.
That had to be really hard on her. The anticipation and then a cancelation. Not to mention a kidney transplant. I know it is hard on the family too. Prayers.
