NH male back home!

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Thank you to everyone for the kind emails and support.

My AAA surgery began last Thursday, March 1 at 9am and ended by 5 in the afternoon. The surgeon, Dr. Bolman and his team were absolutely amazing to deal with. They even let me listen to mu iPod during the procedure, worked with my healing statements, and made the whole procedure seem like another day at the office. And I mean that in the best possible way!

I was discharged yesterday afternoon and spent last night at home.

I'm still groggy and in some pain but so happy to be here, cosmically that is.

More later

Welcome Home, Evan!!! How wonderful to hear from you! More later, I trust? Get loads of rest and stick with the doctor's orders, right?

Glad to have you back. Take care.
Glad to hear from you, and happy to hear your experience was a positive one.
Take it easy now and let your body dictate what you do day to day as you recover... Here's to a smooth and uneventful recovery.

Glad to hear your home!

Hi Evan - Good to hear from you and glad you're home now. Post again when you can and take care.
So happy to hear from you Evan and so glad it was such a successful and a good experience. Did you have the kidney surgery as well? Rest up and come back to tell us all about it.

Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a continued SUCCESSFUL recovery :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Enough is enough, I can't take anymore" ... Alabama ... 'Can't Keep A Good Man Down'
Great news. Breath, rest and walk according to Drs. instructions. Keep us informed.

Evan, I'm so glad to see you post! NOW GET WELL!! And, that's an order!! :)
Hi Evan

Glad, Glad, Glad all went well. You "sound" great. Now just relax and recover.


Glad everything went well for you. iPOD??????? The surgery sounds like it was very interesting!

I've been through Exeter NH one time, in May 1998, to take photos of Phillips Exeter Academy. I had an award-winning show cat that year, named Wil-o-glen's Exeter of Zapzkatz (a.k.a. "Fred"), and we displayed photos of the academy's campus, along with those of the cat, during the formal awards presentation dinner in June.

My husband will be having MV repair soon (hoping to get a date soon). Fred is such a pain in the you-know-what that he'll be dancing all over John's chest, constantly making biscuits. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Am attaching a photo of Fred with his Exeter pennant for you to enjoy during your recovery.
Thank you again for the notes.

The surgery was pretty amazing as far as surgeries go. Last time I had my AVR it was back in 1991 and that almost seems like the Middle Ages looking back. Surgeons it seems, are willing to do anything to help us patients take some control, mental and spiritual, over these procedures. And if mind body techniques make for uneventful surgeries, then why not?

I packed my iPod with soothing classical music for the procedure, wrote strategic healing statements that the anesethesiologists read as I went under and just before the end of the surgery. Scientifically I guess one can't prove if these work or not, but for me, in 1991, I had severe bleeding and had to be reoponed shortly after surgery. This time, my meditation and imagery focused on less bleeding and fewer clots and I had no issues at all.

There was something beautiful about being surrounded by all these specialists while listening to Mozart and hearing my healing statements being repeated in my right ear as I drifted off to the darkness. I was more peaceful at that moment than duing any part of my 1991 surgery and recovery. Three days later, I was discharged.

They decided to remove my kidney next month. All agreed they wanted me to return strong.
So great to hear this, Evan. I knew you would have an exceptional experience at Brigham. Rest up, heal well and now you know that you are going to the right place for the kidney surgery!
Thanks Stretch! You know, I never would have even considered the iPod as a possibility unless Dr. Bolman and his team advised me that they recommend it as a soothing way to block out a lot of OR chatter, which can be alarming to the patient.

It was wonderful. I highly recommend it.
It's funny how different hospitals do different things. A nurse gave me morphine to calm me before wheeling me into the operating room, and that's the last thing a remember. An i-Pod would have been a waste!

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