W e found that sometimes you need to be firm with doctors (while still being nice).
Just remember you and your family have a "slightly" more stake in this...
If you do not have a
step stool, get one when to go to get a scale (pump-head

) It makes it much easier to get in and out of the bed once you come home. We bought a RubberMaid brand with wide non-slip surface.
About getting help and letting others take care of things...
You are not supposed to lift anything heavy or push the vacuum cleaner for 8-12 weeks after OHS to allow proper healing of the bones.
My wife was one of those super woman who has to maintain the house in immaculate condition. So I told her cardio right after the surgery that I was worried she might start pushing the vacuum cleaner too early after the surgery. The cardio said not to worry because she would feel so much pain if she tries that and he was right.
I do not mean to scare you with the pain. She felt more pain when she tried to do too much too early. Otherwise it was bearable considering what she went through.
Just listen to your body. It will let you know when you are trying to do too much.
My neighbors picked up our kid, they walked our dog, etc during that time.
It actually brought us a lot closer with our neighbors which is a good thing.
Do not feel bad about needing or accepting help. Put yourself in their shoes. Wouldn't you do the same thing for them if they were in your situation?