Newbie driving through Atlanta for the first time; suggestions

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it has come to pass that we will have to return from Orlando next week via Atlanta. :eek: We have driven to Atlanta before, but never through it.:eek:
The occasion which is necessitating the change (we prefer to travel through the state of Alabama . . . no offense to our GA members, except Gadget:p ) is Bob's mom is having an operation at Vanderbilt University the following day.
We can't leave Orlando until noon on Tuesday, and we need to get pretty far up the road before stopping for the night.
I've looked at the map and I think we might stop at White, GA . . . . they have a Holiday Inn we can stay at (I collect Reward points) and it's not quite as far as Calhoun. When we leave the next morning we will go to Chatanooga, then Nashville, and finally roll into home sweet home late that night.
So I guess my question is, are we crazy?:confused: :p
How bad will it be from south Atlanta to White?
How is the trip from Orlando to Atlanta?

Sure glad Small Talk is back in action so I can get advice!
Thank you to the powers that be!
driving from Orlando to Atlanta is a piece of cake. Once you get to Atlanta I suggest you turn around and go back home.

I have heard that driving through downtown Atlanta is easier than taking the belt around it. The interstate is six or more lanes on each side with bumper to bumper cars. Been there, didn't like it. Good luck and you have my prayers.
If you get to Atlanta any time around rush hour, stop before you get there and wait it out. I-75 is very scary during rush hour. Otherwise it is just like any other big city. Just watch the signs very carefully as there are exits that seem to show up at odd times and you might find yourself off the highway in spots where you might need a gun.

Other than that, the drive should be long but tolerable.
hensylee said:
I have heard that driving through downtown Atlanta is easier than taking the belt around it.

I second that. We take I-75 straight through. Just try to avoid rush hour. I've gotten to used to Atlanta, but still don't look forward to it.
After that dig at the glorious Peach State I started to just leave you to having them Redneck Stations check your oil and tires. But I will chime in.

Per Google, you are looking at 490 miles or so driving from Orlando to White, which is on the North side of Hot-lanta. Google says a driving time of 7 hours and 28 minutes. Stopping for gas and food you can probably estimate a drive time of around 9 hours. If (and knowing you WO-MEN--A BIG IF) you get away from Orlando at noon, you would hit DOWNTOWN Hot-lanta between 7 and 8 PM. Rush hour should be breaking down about that time (Bonnie can better guess the actual times) UNLESS there is a sports event somewhere around. The best way (white knuckle all the way) thru Hot-lanta is straight thru. You will be coming up 75 into town, then 75 and 85 will merge into about 6 lanes of traffic thru town. Just pass the center of town (and watch the signs closely) 75 and 85 will split. I-75 breaks off to the Right (about 3 lanes if I remember right). Unfortunately at that time you will be running with the left over rush hour traffic. You will pick up a lot more traffic when you hit the merge with the Beltway around town.

From Orlando to the exit for White will be Interstate all the way. There is some construction just north of Valdosta for about 25-35 miles. With no wrecks it usually moves ok. You will probably pick up some traffic around Macon that time of day but it shouldn't last long. You will be running against traffic going into Hot-lanta (everone is going South heading home).

That is my memory of the big city. I avoid it if at all possible. I'll leave it to Bonnie and the other Atlanta folks to pop on and give you their first hand experience.

Have a safe trip.

May God Bless,

Mary ..Print off what Bubba posted. I just asked John ..and he agreed..what Bubba said....It will be help keep an eye out for Bob ..Look for the Chatanooga signs in big Green letters above the Interstate.......You will pass thru Atlanta..and hope you enjoy the beautiful skyscrapers, ect..lit up at night...will go thru one tunnel..short..Pass Georgia Tech on your left..and CNN, Coke, ect..buildings are very tall and beautiful.... Turner stadium will be on your right as you enter into downtown Atlanta..Where the Atlanta Braves play.....Agree with Bubba if? you leave at noon..should be about a good 8 hour drive to Atlanta...then another hour to where you want to stay....then you are lucky going North to Chatanooga and not coming south into Atlanta..:eek: .I am guessing a 7 hour trip to Nashville .from where you spend the night....hope Bob's Mom will be fine..:) Bonnie
We lived north of Atlanta for five years. My docs were in downtown Atlanta. Our twin sons live in Atlanta as does my MIL and my husband's sister, so we drive down to Atlanta from Charlotte a lot. It can be a little scary driving through downtown but if you miss rush hour it's not so bad. I guess I just got used to it. At least during rush hour, traffic doesn't move that fast. At other times, you may get run off the road if you don't keep up with the flow. The skyline is beautiful especially at night. Just make sure you have someone helping you read the signs. You'll be fine. LINDA
I've been in Atlanta a few times for cheerleading competitions and found the best way to get through it is on the MARTA! I found downtown Atlanta scary when I was on foot, and that is coming from someone who lives just outside Houston. The panhandlers are quite aggressive. My best advice, stay in your car with the doors locked and windows rolled up, make sure your tank is full, stay on the interstate, and watch the signs.
I will chime in here. I work in Downtown Atlanta and commute daily. If you have internet access while on the road check out it lists all the current accidents and delays. Also tune in to 750AM for regular traffic reports.

Here are multiple routes.

First, for Macon use the 475 bypass, don't stay on 75, that will save you a good 30 to 45 minutes.

If you come into Atl at or after 7PM stay on 75 through downtown. Once you pass Freedom Parkway move over to second or third lane, that will keep you on 75 when 85 and 75 split.

If you come into town before 7PM stop for dinner somewhere. :p Or, you could take 675 off of 75 prior to Atl, follow that to 285N and follow it around to 75N again. You will still hit traffic but it usually moves a bit better. Use 75 through Atlanta if it is before 3PM as well since they have 3 lanes closed on 285 to paint overpasses during the day.

Good luck! Of course being from NYC originally I still don't think the traffic down here is that bad. It's just Bubba and the dogs aren't used to seeing more then 3 cars on the road at a time or going slower then 80MPH. Sorry Bubba but you know it's true. :D
Lisa in Katy said:
I've been in Atlanta a few times for cheerleading competitions and found the best way to get through it is on the MARTA! I found downtown Atlanta scary when I was on foot, and that is coming from someone who lives just outside Houston. The panhandlers are quite aggressive. My best advice, stay in your car with the doors locked and windows rolled up, make sure your tank is full, stay on the interstate, and watch the signs.

If you do find yourself in the position of dealing with the beggars try this approach, it works great for me. Look desperate, hold out your arms in a supplicating fashion, just before they can say anything to you tell them your car ran out of gas and ask if they can spare a couple of dollars to help you out. ;)
Heh ... didn't realize you are in the Atlanta area, mtnbiker. Maybe you missed my road trip post...? I was in the Atlanta area tonight (Monday) and will be leaving tomorrow (Tuesday). Would've been nice to have met ya.


Just passing through tonight ... the friend I'm staying with said "computer is yours" :).

And, Ross ... thank you! Betty and Mary ... good to chat with you over the phone, anyway ;).
mntbiker said:
Here are multiple routes.

First, for Macon use the 475 bypass, don't stay on 75, that will save you a good 30 to 45 minutes.

If you come into Atl at or after 7PM stay on 75 through downtown. Once you pass Freedom Parkway move over to second or third lane, that will keep you on 75 when 85 and 75 split.

Thanks for everyone's advice, but I still have a few more questions!

David, you say for Macon . . . . am I going past Macon if I take I-75 North?
My maps don't show towns/cities; just routes.

My directions (from AAA) state, " after leaving Orlando, Take I-75 N. Drive for 300 miles.
Take LEFT exit # 156 to get on I-475 N towards Atlanta. Drive for 15.4 miles. Take I-75N/GA-401 N. Drive for 114.8 miles."
This would land us near White.
Is this what you suggested in the quoted text?

Another question. We absolutely, positively can't leave Orlando before noon. Bob is presenting an abstract at the convention and he's scheduled until 11:25. If we have a 300 mile drive to Atlanta, do you think we will hit at rush hour? If we're going to stop and eat before hitting Atlanta, any suggestions as to where?
And here's my other question. We're central standard time in Missouri; anyone know when we hit Eastern? Orlando and Atlanta are Eastern . . . . anyone know about Nashville?

Bubba, if we have any trouble, we're calling YOU! :p :p I have your phone number!;)
mntbiker said:
It's just Bubba and the dogs aren't used to seeing more then 3 cars on the road at a time or going slower then 80MPH. Sorry Bubba but you know it's true. :D*****REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION****:p :rolleyes:

True, True. ah will give yo' thet. Bubba survived 19 years in, an' ah mean IN, Warshin'ton DC, so ah knows traffic. Down hyar, th' only time we git a traffic jam is when a Combine (a piece of farm machinery fo' yo' city folk) is movin' fum field t'field.

Mah dawgs go crazy whenevah they see a Fulton County tag! As far as th' speed, yo' WILL git ran ovah eff'n yo' don?t maintain 70 plus (an' this hyar is in a 55 MPH zone). Of course, durin' rush hour yo' will see a hitchhiker walk pass yo' on th' sh'der of th' road at least 7 times. Even 70 plus is not fast inough fo' some of them Hot-lanta folk. Got t'wonner sometime whuffo' them folks is in sech a hurry. Mo'e than a foot between th' bumper of th' car in front of yo' is an open invitashun fo' someone t'come on over in th' ?hole?.

Course ah do git mo'e respeck than some when they see th' 30-30 rifle an' 12 gauge shotgun hangin' on th' gun rack. :p :rolleyes: Probably no match fo' whut some of them Hot-lanta folks is packin'. Shet mah mouth!

Mary, fill up yer belly an' car befo'e hittin' Hot-lanta, recline yer seat back (unless yer stoopid inough t'be th' one drivin') :eek: an' it will be on over befo'e yo' knows it. Hubby will probably be soun'in' like a seasoned Navy man by time y?all git on th' No'th side. :p

Be safe.

Bubba :)
Mary.Your directions are right..Macon will be on the right side of I-75...The bypass allows you to avoid the traffic buildup round Macon..which turns off into another Interstate..going to Savannah..The bypass allows you to avoid this buildup..the bypass is off to the left..away from this traffic.....I still think it will take you 8 hours to rush hour should be over..Bonnie
Granbonny said:
Mary.Your directions are right..Macon will be on the right side of I-75...The bypass allows you to avoid the traffic buildup round Macon..which turns off into another Interstate..going to Savannah..The bypass allows you to avoid this buildup..the bypass is off to the left..away from this traffic.....I still think it will take you 8 hours to rush hour should be over..Bonnie

Where's a good place to eat at about six o'clock? I mean town/city not restaurant.
And what about the time change?
We won't stop to eat if we have any daylight left. I guess that's about 4:50 these days?

Gadget, as the co-pilot on these trips, I am the one who sounds like the seasoned Navy man.:D :p
Mary said:
Bubba, if we have any trouble, we're calling YOU! :p :p I have your phone number!;)

ah don?t answer jest ANY obscene phone call. :p :rolleyes:

Bubba :)

Don?t pay Bubba no mind. I-475 is a by-pass around Macon. It is well marked. Just follow the signs to Atlanta. Now them Atlanta folks want to keep you ?jest passing thru? folks out of downtown so every sign coming into Atlanta will tell you to take the I-675 to I-285 to head toward Chattanooga, Tenn and around Atlanta. Stay on I-75 into downtown Atlanta.

You are looking at more than 400 miles from downtown Orlando to downtown Atlanta. If you can hit Atlanta AFTER 7PM you SHOULD be OK. So there is probably no need to rush out of Orlando. The later the better when going thru Atlanta. Unfortunately, Atlanta traffic can turn to S**T on a dime. A multi-car pile-up, especially one involving a big truck can lock up all routes around Atlanta. Like Mtnbiker said, tuning in to one of the local traffic report channels will help keep you informed.

As far as Nashville time, I think they are Central but I'm not too sure.

Again, have a safe trip,

Danny :)
Mary .I would plan on eating at Perry, Ga..about 30? miles south of Macon..Just the main exit for Perry..Lots of fast/food, ect. We always stay at the Crossroads R.V. park just minutes off the exit...That is our 1/2 stay going /coming from fla. in I know there are lots of places to eat..Perry is home to the large Ga. Fairgrounds. I think Evelyn has stayed at Fairgrounds showing her dogs...Stopping there around 6 P.m. should give Atlanta rush-hour time to clear out before you pass thru Atlanta...I thinking the Eastern/central line is close to chatanooga?. Bonnie
Hi Mary,
What the others said about 475 is correct. You have the correct directions already.

Regarding Nashville, they are Central time so one hour behind us.

My parents have a winter home near Orlando and my wife has family in Miami so we do the drive down several times a year. It will normally take us six hours to go from Orlando to Atlanta. Yes we are slightly exceeding the speed limit. :rolleyes:

We find the best place to stop (sorry Bonnie, I have to disagree with you :) ) is in Jackson Georgia, it is just North of Macon and about 30 to 45 minutes from downtown Atlanta. Nice selection of restaurants.

Also, Georgia now participates in that cell phone program for traffic updates. I believe it is 511 or *511 from any cell phone will let you check all the current delays. It is posted on roadside signs.

Cort - I was watching your thread about this years road trip, I did hope to meet you this year but unfortunately Monday and Tuesday are the busiest days of my week. Hopefully next time.
mntbiker said:
Cort - I was watching your thread about this years road trip, I did hope to meet you this year but unfortunately Monday and Tuesday are the busiest days of my week. Hopefully next time.

Sounds good.

Mary and I did get to meet in Nashville TN on Thursday for lunch. Very good to see you again, Mary :).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"Someone lights the way with just a single ray of hope" ... Alabama ... 'Angels Among Us'

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