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pellicle;n860695 said:
oops ... guilty as charged, I do feel guilty sometimes but there is a mixture of feelings about that in both positive an negative. So I'm sorry for those who find it annoying. I pick peer reviewed stuff as it is more likely to be reliable than "some website" or Fox News Health.

I do also post my experiences and I do try to help.


Meant that as a complement. There aren't many claims in your posts that you don't back up with studies. When you are giving an opinion, you clearly state as such. In my estimation, that's a good thing.
Superman;n860761 said:

Meant that as a complement.
thanks for that :)
As you may understand I'm a bit twitchy about that notion as I've been ragged and sledged about it here. I was a little unsure which way it was intended but wanted to acknowledge that its true and why I persist.
Well, I made it home guys. This will be a quick post and I'll post more later when I feel up to it, but I'm the proud card-carrying owner of a 21mm On-X Valve. Had a few complications post surgery which made me have to stay a extra couple of days, but nonetheless, I'm home. And happy to be back!
Thanks everyone. Well I guess I waited long enough to post lol. 2 1/2 months post surgery now.

Had an issue with Afib in the hospital which scared me to death. Docs got it under control with IV meds. Luckily no bouts since then I'm happy to report. My heart rate does run kind of high (resting in the high 80's). Also seems to run high during the day, at some points around 120. I wore a heart monitor for 24 hours and the doc saw the high rate and some skipped beats but didn't seem to be concerned about it, said there were no signs of Afib. I go back to see him next Monday 2/22. My kidneys didn't want to work for about 2 days post surgery also but that was also treated with IV meds and worked fine afterward.

I should be able to begin home INR testing in a couple of weeks. The insurance company and doc are all fine with it, but the distributor of the machine said I had to be on Warfarin for 90 days before they would approve my getting one. I thought that was odd but there's light at the end of the tunnel for that I guess.

All in all I'm doing well I think. I started back to work Jan 19. My job involves sitting behind a computer all day so no strenuous activity. I do still have discomfort in the sternum and I know it takes a long time for that to heal completely. But I have a difficult time lying flat on my back still. I've read here where some are back in the bed very quickly when coming home from the hospital, but this hasn't been the case for me. I've been sleeping in a recliner because I feel like I have to be somewhat elevated.
Thanks for the update, Buddy. FWIW, my resting HR has always been high (100+). At first the nurses in cardiac rehab were concerned but no longer, and the doctors were never concerned. One nurse said that it's not unusual for valve replacement patients to have a higher heart rate. (You might want to inquire about cardiac rehab if you have time to do it; it's helping me get my strength back).

Glad your recovery is going smoothly. One day at a time.