New Year's Resolutions!

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Christina L

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2003
Estes Park, Colorado
I thought this would be a fun thread - for each of us to tell our top 5-10 New Year's resolutions - maybe it will hold us accountable to keep them, ya think? Serious resolutions or otherwise and I truly am scared to see Ross' resolutions! :D


Christina L

I'll start:

My resolutions:
1. To be more organized, i.e. keep up with papers and housework, and to get rid of clutter.
2. To exercise 3-4 times a week.
3. To read more books (cover to cover instead of bits and pieces of a book - even though I love to read - just don't do it right).
4. To go to church EVERY Sunday instead of spending Sunday mornings only reading the Denver Post and drinking coffee.
5. To live one day at a time and enjoy each moment and to not worry so much.
6. To get back into my hobbies of quilting, painting and playing the piano (for the distraction from worry!).
7. To get into the outdoors more - XC skiing and hiking (if my exam in January gives me the green light).
8. To not nag Wayne (the hubby) so much. :)
Heck, Christina-- Thought I'd be first at bat here...

Let me begin by saying that the only New Year's Resolution I've ever kept was to lose weight--yes, it's true! :D (that was four years ago, and I've kept most of it off, though my cardio made a "looks like you've put on a few pounds" comment at my stress echo last week--I'd only gained maybe three pounds).:eek: And that was the look on the echo tech's face when he made that comment, too.

Here are my top 5:
1) Learn to let things go and just live.
2) Spend more time with my hubby and appreciate him more. He's been through a lot with me this year and I took him for granted. :(
3) Exercise more. (Always a resolution of mine).
4) Get my students' work graded in a more timely manner and come up with more creative projects and lessons, especially for my honors kids. I brought home a small crate of work to be graded, haven't even touched it yet. :eek: Oh, well, still have eight more days of vacation...
5) Try not to worry about my valve so much. It's fixed. End of story. Let Dr. V worry about it, because I know he worries enough for the both of us.

Happy New Year! :cool:
Debi (debster913)
Yes, where did ChristinaL's resolutions go? I've been watching a movie and just came back to see who all posted what resolution to Christina's thread and her thread/post is gone!
I'm sorry, Deb!

I'm sorry, Deb!

I deleted the thread because I thought maybe it was too personal and no one else seemed to be posting any New Year's resolutions. I must have deleted it while you were posting. Sorry!

I asked Ross to put the thread back on - maybe he can combine these two (?). Can you do that, Ross?

I think you and I have one of the same resolutions, Deb - to stop worrying so much! :eek:

Christina L
I am so sorry about that! :( I thought there was something wrong with the site or that I did something to make your thread disappear. But I still think the thread idea was cute.

To dance naked in the open air, especially round a tree, on New Year's Day is declared to ensure luck in love and prosperity and freedom from ill health during the coming twelve months.
Well, then, I should have done that last year! Oh, well. Then I wouldn't be a certified valver. :rolleyes:

Stay alive....
Appreciate each moment for what it is....
Use the anticipated increase in energy to have more fun with the family....
Lose more weight, the 10kg lost since surgery has not come back yet :D
Try to wean myself off spending so much time on this site..:rolleyes:

I seem to have no more goals in life since surgery, i'm just happy to be sitting in the sun watching the kids play on their bikes...everything else just seems unimportant.
Afraid mine are not so exciting:

Lose 20 pounds/exercise more:eek:
Be more like my SO (Chris) and not let things bother me:mad: ;)
Stop being upset by crazy drivers:eek: :rolleyes:
Stay healthy (as much as I have control over):)
Floss more:D :D
Bubba's New Years Resolutions!!!

Bubba's New Years Resolutions!!!

1) Kiss yer own wife at midnight at th' Noo Year's eve Party :eek:

2) Buy yer jewelry at th' hardware sto'e :rolleyes:

3) Have some of thet Ole Man Franklin Mint breath freshener :confused:

4) Loose some of th' holiday weight----o' buy a bigger shirt thet will covah yer stomach :p

5) Be proud of yer wife's job thet requires her t'wears an o'ange vest :D

6) Own a homemade fur coat; :eek:

7) Reckon out thet math problem called a subdivishun :confused:

8) Make yer baby's fust wo'ds, "Attenshun K-Mart shoppers :p

9) Owe a taxidermist mo'e than yer monthly income :D


Thet dancin' naked aroun' th' tree thin' ain't wawked yet, as a matter of **** ah got one heck of a cold one winter!

Have a Happy Noo Year Ev'rybody----YEE HAA!

Bubba :p
My resolutions for 2007:

1. Discipline (School, work, life)
2. Budgeting
3. Lose weight/working out
4. Strengthen relationship with the lord
5. Be a better person
6. Give up Beef Jerky (I ate alot of it)
1. Take off these last 10 pounds(I lost 37 last year)
2. Don't let my job stress me so much
Get my OHS!!!!!! and start feeling like I have the energy to keep some resolutions!

Oh, yeah, quit smoking would be a good one also, especially befor surgery!!