New to this forum..scared

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If you weren't scared in the position you now find youself in, you wouldn't be normal! Most of us can relate to the feelings you are now having. Try and take a deep breath and relax. I know that is easier said than done at this point.

Having a cardio at this point of the game who doesn't tell you crap would not be an option for me if I were in your shoes. The only thing you can do at this point is educate yourself and choose the best Dr.'s to be in your corner. That does not mean you have to travel to the Cleveland Clinic. You have plenty of very good Dr.'s in Ca to choose from if that is what you choose to do. So, if this cardio you are seeing is not a good fit for you for one reason or another, now is the time to find another. It is also the time to go seek the opinion of a couple of surgeons. After you do those things, you'll have some other decisions to make, but don't overload yourself at once.

I think more than one of us found that this time before surgery was much worse in many ways than the surgery itself and the time afterwards. If it all becomes too much, ask your PCP for something to help you. If you have any questions, ask away, one of us has probably experienced it.

I can totally relate to Debra! I found out at the end of June that I had a "heart murmer" a couple hours later I received the news that I had this Aortic stenosis problem, at at 37 years old (my birthday weekend) I spent the night in a hospital for the FIRST time since I was born! I am meeting with the Surgeon this coming Wednesday, the 20th, to find out the 'next step.' My Cardiologist told me last week, waiting any longer will only have negative possibilities. So, I said all that, to say I am scared, fearful, but I thank God my wife found this site, and it has helped so much! Thank you all for sharing, and many are helped as you help others. Blessings!
All of us are scared with this.......I had AVR on August 2, 2010 . I personally feel that the more reading, internet searches, and communicating that you do the better. Get lots of opinions and then go with what you feel is best for YOU. Yes, it certainly is major surgery. But the more you know, the better armed you are for your questions and to select the best surgeon for you.
But don't google too much. There is more scary stuff to read than good stuff, if people have a drama free surgery they aren't likely to write about it. I found this site to be the most reassuring.
But don't google too much. There is more scary stuff to read than good stuff, if people have a drama free surgery they aren't likely to write about it. I found this site to be the most reassuring.

Yes! You may find this to be true. I found that I had an insatiable need to read everything. That got overwhelming and confusing especially since I couldn't understand all that I was reading (too much medical jargon)! So what I kind of ended up doing was putting as much information together as I could to take to the cardio and try to get a more full understanding from my own doctor. As you read and gather opinions and information on the internet, you could start a list of questions for the cardio and surgeon since they are your best source of information for your particular case.

BTW, welcome to this wonderful community. If you need support or a pep talk, or a good shoulder to lean on -- we're here!!! I had to wait 3 years after I found out that surgery was imminent. 3 years! I know I would've gone nuts if it weren't for the support I got here. So use us to help you through this emotional time. And try to trust us when we say that it really is going to be okay.

If you start a new thread with each new type of question, and with a good, particular title to the thread, you will get a broader variety of responses. There is a lot of experience in this group so don't be shy. There isn't much we haven't heard, or felt, or wondered about ourselves, so really -- ask away.

Best wishes. Come often!

Welcome Debra! I am now six days post-op and can say that reading people's stories on this site, and asking questions, was incredibly helpful. I wasn't concerned about the tubes and wires, or the incision cos I'd seen malibu's pics on here, and even though I was scared, I was actually mostly excited.

I am 39 years old, fit, healthy and strong - so when I was able to get out of bed two days post-op I found I was still 39, fit, healthy, and strong - just with an incision down my chest and a few wires and tubes here and there. I haven't needed help with anything and I am doing my laps of the ward at a faster speed than anyone else including most of the nurses. I've been really amazed at how easy the recovery has been and how much energy I have, my big surprise was the amount of muscular pain but that is almost gone now.

So my point is, don't dwell too much on the scary stories, of which there are a few on here (but heck these people are ALIVE!!!) as you may whiz thru like I have. Get as healthy as you can beforehand by eating good quality food, and my last tip is to teach yourself how to get into and out of bed and on and off the toilet without pushing with your arms - this will make you MUCH more self-sufficient post-op! :)

-Di (home tomorrow WOO HOO!)
Thank you everyone. I've been having really bad panic attacks the last few days. Today has been ok. I have alot of people already praying, and that is already been a great feeling of relief. I made an appt. for Monday afternoon and Im going to ask to be put on something mild to calm myself. I cant imagine living like this for the next 3-4 months waiting. My husband is going to come with me, he and I have many questions for the card.
Thanks again,

when i was getting ready for surgery, had to wait 4 months for a stupid, bimbo dentiist to decide if i had infection in my mouth and what to do to clear it up. She had me get 4 teeth extracted, but had to go to some one else. Only took one month with antibotics and was then cleared to have surgery. Be sure to get mouth checked, they will insist that you are clear of infection anywhere. You will be fine. I just had the unluck with the dentist.
Debra - Welcome to this community. I often have to tell my patients they need an aortic valve replacement and explain why. It is a scary moment but please look at it from a different perspective. The surgery is not the problem. It is the solution. Focus on three things:
1) The choice of valve to be used (mechanical vs. bioprosthetic). See
2) Minimally invasive and fast recovery options and protocols. See
3) Statistics and clinical information about aortic valve surgery. See
Hi Debra and welcome to the forum. I too was in your shoes a couple months ago. The initial news that I had an aortic aneurysm and needed my aortic valve replaced hit me like a ton of bricks. That was on August 6th. Initially, my cardiologist and surgeon said we should just wait and watch. That made the anxiety even worse. I kept pushing and they finally agreed to go forward with the surgery on Oct. 6th. Those were the two most scary months I have experienced. This forum is an excellent place to get your questions answered. I am now two weeks post-op and am so relieved that it is over. It was a very big operation, and it's going to take some time for recovery but I am comforted by all the success stories here. Make sure you are comfortable with your doctors. That will go a long way to calming your nerves. If your current doctors aren't answering your questions, maybe you should get a second opinion.
All good advice I see. Remember, the human mind will accep and adapt to your situation. Before you know it, you will be done with all this and be on the road to recovery.

Today my little familty unit went to a fall festival. While we were there we thought about the year before when we went to the same event, but had recently found out about needing surgery. This year was a much better year to say the least.

Look forward to putting this behind you. I hope you like Opra and Dr Oz

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