Perhaps if you give some specifics about your condition and planned surgery more people can chirp in with specific info.
Firstly, i beat you..had mind done at 37....and yes, i was also scared shitless at the start...actually sat crying in the car at the hospital until i could regain my composure.
It was a fear of the unknown.
Three months later i was going down for surgery totally calm, i kid you not, and happy with what needed to be done....the family were in bits but i was fine...all from spending those months posting questions and reading responses on this site.
Ask your questions in individual posts and we will answer and let you know what to expect.
Coudamin is a none issue for me, i take 5mg or sometimes 6mg a day and eat what the hell i like, i also drink more than perhaps i should...a bottle of wine in a 24hr period and none of this affects my INR. There are people who have problems granted but the vast majority don't...
Yes there may be some lifestyle changes if you take part in contact sports or martial arts but if you just lead a normal life and enjoy family/holidays etc i can't see much of a lifestyle change needed other than not opening that second bottle of wine....
As far as the actual surgery is concerned, and most will probably echo this, you will have 2-3 ****** days (mostly drugged up) and then its improvement after improvement until the point you will be angry with yourself for putting it off for so long.
Yes your chest will be sore for a bit, coughing and sneezing wont be nice for 4-6 weeks but its remarkable how fast recovery is. After a couple of weeks you will be out and about.
If it wasn't for this tick tick in my chest i'd have no idea i had heart issues or that i was anything else than normal....i'm sure you will reach that level also.
Seriously, embrace what is comming up, it will free you from any symptoms you may currently be having and give you a new lease of life.
My wife commented on how 'nice' and 'patient' id become

although she never mentioned i was a tired grumpy bugger before the surgery