I just discovered you people last night and am so impressed by your compassion and willingness to share your experiences! Very inspiring and.....well, heart
warming!! This my first post and I am writing on behalf of my 61 year old "friend," who has had a bad AV (stenosis) for 30+years. He had a stroke at 30 (that's when bad AV discovered), with resultant speech after-effects and a controlled seizure disorder. He landed in the hospital a month ago because of previously undiagnosed severe anemia (Hgb 7/HCT 19) missed by doctor who ordered blood tests last July (we guess he never looked at the results of the tests he ordered--talk about inept)! We NOW know he was on the downslide at that time with Hbg 9/HCT 29! So until he can conquer the severe anemia, he has to wait for AVR, tho his AV is "severe insufficiency," very elevated RHR, and he has a newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation (hopefully AF because of the anemia). Anyone here had severe anemia issues pre-surgery? He has had iron infusions and the blood numbers are improving, but he still feels just AWFUL (very weak/hard to breathe/depressed). He lives in the Rochester, NY area; I will be there on Thursday for a week (was also there post hospitalization for 2 weeks in January) and will try to get his "numbers" that I've seen here from several posters. Anyone have good/bad to report about cardiologists/surgeons in the Rochester, NY area? Have noted nickd's (from NJ) praise of Cornell's facility, which isn't too far. Thanks so much for any input/advice you can give--what a great group!