New to board and 5 days from surgery

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Welcome to VR!
Although I have not gone through surgery yet (probably Feb, 2009), this site has been fantastic in answering my questions and calming my fears. Just keep making you list of everything you are going to be doing when you have recovered!
Hi Bruce,
I wish you all the best in your surgery and recovery. I just want to share that it is ok to be nervous, but afterwards, the recovery can be felt on a daily basis. The pain is not severe at all, and the discomforts of the surgery diminish in a short time. Follow the doctor's recommendations for walking and getting some light exercise in the weeks that follow.
You will receive a lot of support and information here on


It does ease my fears to read various posts on this site.
I look forward to hearing from those who have experienced Ross.

Hey Bruce!

Arn't the people here simply Awesome???

They don't know us from Adam, but give us Love & caring anyway! I wish real life was always this way!

I see here in these pages is there is life after Heart Surgery! I have an AVR on Monday Dec. 8. I expect to be in a 'regular' room when you go in.
Bruce want to say a big hi and welcome.

Surgery is the easy part WAITING"S HARDEST.

had my avs 16 years ago now my own mitral is mush and am WAITING

for my 2nd surgery. You will be so glad when its complete and

you feel spanking brand too:p

zipper2 (DEB)
Hi Bruce,

Just wanted to wish youa warm welcome. It sounds like you are going to be in good hands. Sending many good and positive thoughts and prayers your way.

Welcome to VR! I whole heartedly agree with the experience of others here at VR in that the pain associated with my open-heart operation really was minimal. But I was a good boy and took all the meds I was told to. I know you are going to do better than you can imagine possible during this stressful time leading up to your surgery. I bet a year from now you will look back and say that was "no big deal".

Thoughts and prayers to you and hope to hear back as you progress.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers. The waiting is the worst part. Once you get the first shot you don't remember much at least I did'nt. The pain is really not that bad. Just keep looking ahead to a better feeling you and you'll do just fine.:)
Welcome, best of luck with surgery and wishing you a very speedy recovery. You will be fine and will get all the drugs you need to help with any pain. All the best.Tc
It may make you feel better to know that, from what I have read and experienced, Adam Pick didn't have a typical OHS experience.

I've been on these boards for almost a year -- I had my surgery in the summer -- and I have also spoken with many other people who have had OHS, so I'm not just saying "Adam was different from me." He seems to be different from almost everyone!

So the stuff he writes about practically crying from the pain of walking to his chair after surgery, and always desperately waiting for his next dose of pain meds -- no one else seems to have experienced that! Just about everyone here will tell you that the hospital dopes you up good after surgery. Also, unlike Adam, very few people remember the intubation tube at all, from what people have reported.

Hopefully this will make you feel less scared about surgery!