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Brownie looks like he's trying to escape in the first picture.. You being mean to him again? Threaten him with low octane or something?

Thank you, Karlynn! That '76 is the favorite of most people ;).

And, Ross ... well, if the '72 did try to escape in that first pic, it would run into a stone wall ... and that wouldn't be pretty, I wouldn't think ... ;) ... he he! But, no, haven't threatened that one ... or any of them ... recently. Haven't needed to ... they are all well behaved ... because they know better!!!!


Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"It's like trying to catch a falling star" ... The Heights ... 'How Do You Talk To An Angel?'
I'd have to say that I prefer the '72 and the '76, but that's just my age speaking. Good friends of mine had each of those years as new cars. Around that time I was heavily into Camaros. . . didn't really need the back seat.
Your cars are beautiful. I have driven Monte Carlo's for the last 26 years :D My first was a 1973, then 1985, a 1995 and now I have a 2004. My favorite one was the 1985. I had a T-top in that one. I loved that car. The current one has a sunroof, so that is almost as good as the T-top.

I can't imagine driving anything else. Thank you for sharing your pictures.
Enjoyed the pictures of your "babies", Cort.
Our son is driving a 2005 Monte, but he's having troubles with the steering.
I know, I know . . . . a new model Monte is no where near the vintage cars, but he had to have one!
He he ... thanks again, folks!

Your age may be speaking, but it goes right along with what most people think, too ... the '72 and '76 get the most attention ;).

Do you have any pics of your '73 and '85 MCs? You on any MC boards/groups?

Thank you! As for your son's car, I think that steering is a "bulletin" issue for GM, but I'm not sure. I know people talk about it all the time on the FWD boards. I can't remember if the technical boards can be seen without signing up, but you might tell your son to go to ... and check out the technical forums. See if anything described there is similar to what he is experiencing.

And, I can't argue with you about the new ones not being anywhere near the vintage ones. As far as I'm concerned, since they are FWD ... they are Luminas, NOT Monte Carlos...Monte Carlos are RWD (rear wheel drive). And, going back further, they'd be Celebrities, since the Lumina replaced the Celebrity, not the Monte Carlo. The lineage, then, goes Chevy Celebrity, 1980s (to) Chevy Lumina, 1990 to "monte carlo" coupe, starting in 1995, to "impala" sedan, starting in 2000. I had a 2000 Lumina coupe (er, "monte carlo") LS once ... NEVER EVER EVER again ;).

And, Bina ... ya know, I had forgotten about your '78, but I DO remember now that you told me about it once. As I recall, you don't have any pics of that one, do you?

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"I want a 2-tone Chevrolet" ... BJ Thomas ... '2-Car Garage'

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