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Welcome Mary, this is a great bunch of people with lots of knowledge. I too am Bav but the stenosis in the aortic valve is only at 1.6cm2. I am also watching a 4.6 aortic aneurysm. So it is the waiting room for me also. Don't hesitate to ask us anything! Good luck and welcome to our loving family!
Welcome Mary.
I was just short of 71 when I had my aortic repair and left ventricle obstruction repair in April of this year. I am now three months post surgery and feel realy great. The waiting is harder than the recovery. It takes time but you can get through it with the hlep of the people on this forum.
Hi Mary. You're right, the surgery is no picnic, but for me is wasn't nightmarishly horrible at all. I've heard that many of the more common types of surgery are much more painful. Regarding age, I think most everyone on my floor in the hospital was in their 70s or 80s. Barbara Bush was 83 and made it through just fine. You will find lots of info and support on this forum. Welcome!

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