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aussigal said:
You make me smile, Ross yes of course I have piccys of my beach but I hold the camera !...You look like you would fit in well in Aus. with that wicked sense of humour Ross!... I love it!..
Here's a glimpse of my local beach just a 1 mile stroll down the road to peace and tranquility and the Indian Ocean.!...mind you it does get VERY WINDY here in Perth.!
Unacceptable. Must have woman pic. Manditory. Yes, must have.
Ross said:
Unacceptable. Must have woman pic. Manditory. Yes, must have.

Ross, they're catching on to you much too quickly these days. Finesse, dear, finesse.
Karlynn said:
Ross, they're catching on to you much too quickly these days. Finesse, dear, finesse.
It has to be Debora warning them!

Why? Just because I'm muzzled, straight jacketed and tied to a rig with a police escort? That shouldn't be any reason to avoid me should it? I mean, I'm still lovable right? :confused:

I have been out of town so I didn't get a chance to welcome you. WELCOME.

I have a lot of experience with mitral stuff but not aortic so I can only be helpful from a "mental" support side (and no, Ross, that is not as in mentally ill). I hope you get an answer to your heart issues and get things fixed.

Best of luck to you.
Ross said:
Just because I'm muzzled, straight jacketed and tied to a rig with a police escort? That shouldn't be any reason to avoid me should it? I mean, I'm still lovable right? :confused:

Yes dear. You know you are.
... :D ...gee he is insistant on the girl on the beach piccy hey!

I am pleased to say I have made it to Monday without going totally insane with this yet...

So back to the grind-stone...
I am sure I will be spending a heap of time here getting to know you all and learning as much as I can...
New Zealand

New Zealand

Hi again Aussiegal! I'm happy to see you're enjoying being here! We share an awful lot of information, but also a great sense of humour in order to keep us going!! Ross is dying to see one of us in a bikini but so far, hasn't suceeded!! LOL!! Brazil is indeed a very nice place and you'd love it! I'll be going to New Zealand next May to meet one of the members from this site and poor Wendy will have to put up with me for a whole month!!LOL! Anyway, maybe we could try and have a mini reunion with all the Australians while I'm there!!??LOL!!

Hey Ross, don't be sad!! Even though you've said I'll be nesting in NZ NEXT year, I promise you that I'll get a nice pic of myself taken on the beach to post in here especially for you, agreed??LOL!! You'll just have to wait another few months so, be a good boy!! LOL!!

Débora :D :)



Good to see another Perth person on the site. Welcome - its a great place to find out a lot of information from people in the know and who have "been there done that".

Another young lady from Perth (Jess) who has just had a Ross Procedure joined fairly recently and then there is myself (BAV replaced in Nov 2004 with St Jude). I think there is another Perth person registered but not a regular per se.

Anyway enjoy trawling thru the info on this site - you are sure to find answers and if not a good deal of support.


deboraginastewart said:
Hey Ross, don't be sad!! Even though you've said I'll be nesting in NZ NEXT year, I promise you that I'll get a nice pic of myself taken on the beach to post in here especially for you, agreed??LOL!! You'll just have to wait another few months so, be a good boy!! LOL!!

Débora :D :)

You do understand he will be expecting a bikini shot with this promise? If you fulfill his dream, I imagine we'll never hear from our Ross again. He'll be rendered :eek: speechless. :D
Karlynn said:
You do understand he will be expecting a bikini shot with this promise? If you fulfill his dream, I imagine we'll never hear from our Ross again. He'll be rendered :eek: speechless. :D
Oh no, I'll be starting my pic collection for the New Calendar. ;)
A few months from now!

A few months from now!

I've always kept my promises!!LOL!! Wait and see Rossman, you can take me up on it!!LOL!!
Débora :D
deboraginastewart said:
I've always kept my promises!!LOL!! Wait and see Rossman, you can take me up on it!!LOL!!
Débora :D
Well alrighty then! I expect Aussigal to follow your lead example! :D


Hi Tonia,
Welcome to this great site. We're fellow aussies and at the rate those of us from down under are joining, we may just have to have our own reunion one day!
Chris had a BAV and had the Ross Procedure 2 years ago. Great to meet you and wishing you all the best,
gee :rolleyes: :rolleyes: me cossie on... ;)
I am just gonna have to pop down the beach in my "bikini" :eek:
and snap a piccy!.... :D
ohh we could start a Before and After photo album....
Cos at the moment my chest is still a 'virgin' in terms of heart might not be so pretty with a 12 inch zipper down the front..LOL :p
Welcome aboard.

I see you've already met Ross :eek: :D . Be careful. BE VERY, VERY CAREFUL!!!!!!!! ;) ;) ;) :D

An "after" chest photo album has been started here several times. Don't know if we have had any "before" pictures, except maybe MARY........ :eek: :D

Nice picture by the way :) . Thanks. Ross and I await the bikini shot :p . You might have to PM the "before" chest photo instead of posting. It is a family channel.

Welcome and,

May God Bless,

aussigal said:
gee :rolleyes: :rolleyes: me cossie on... ;)
I am just gonna have to pop down the beach in my "bikini" :eek:
and snap a piccy!.... :D
ohh we could start a Before and After photo album....
Cos at the moment my chest is still a 'virgin' in terms of heart might not be so pretty with a 12 inch zipper down the front..LOL :p

I think I have to get a flight to Australia. Would someone come and finish making supper here please?
Just curious.....

Just curious.....

aussigal said:
Goodevening all and thanks for the continuing warm welcome...
I have definately found my new web-home !

What about me...well I am 41 , a mum of 3 boys 10,13,14...My dad died of suspected BAVD in 1972 and his father also "went" early....

As for symptoms I am only just beginnng to figure out what this is causing for the past few years I had thought it was skeletal/muscular as did all the docs...
Mum said I had this murmur when I was born but they didnt know what it was and it wasnt hurting/causing any problems...I then ignored it until about 5 years ago when my doc decided to see what this click was she could hear,,,i had moved and had a new doctor...
well lo and behold as clear as can be on the echo screen was a bicuspid valve...the cardio then said i should quit the smokes and live a healthy life with reiviews every five years...
so 4 years later I havent quit the smokes ( I know BAD GIRL !)...and am now having anxiety attacks because I have just found out the gravity of this condition,.,,,
i thought it was just another boring diagnoses that didnt mean much,,,when in actual fact i now find its rather important...the fact i have ignored it forever scares me a little...and all my pains are now scaring me...
I had been seeing a neurosurgeon for hand and arm problems and bad lower back...but now i worry it may be there is the beginning of me...
i am rather worried but looking forward to learning and conquering this
I havent done all the gentic stuff yet,,that is soon...
i am very Marfan-like and this scares me as well ,,,my aorta only measures 3.7 at the moment and I am waiting on the results from fridays angio. to see if there's anything else there! dad was soo young when he died I am scared to wait till the 5.0 my cardio says is normal...everytime i get those angina pains i freak.
Okies...time for more reading and learning.....
ask away I know the best way for me to learn is questions , so anything I have forgotten...gimme a nudge and I shall kindly fill in the gaps...


I had my stenotic bicuspid valve and 4.5 cm aneurysm replaced 4 months ago. Welcome to this kind and wonderful site. I found a lot of comfort here during my anxious times. I was just wondering if you have had a surgical consult by a cardiothoracic surgeon who repairs a lot of people like us? That might make you feel better about your waiting period. By the way.......that 5.0 your cardio talks about is not necessarily normal. A few people have gotten into trouble at much lower numbers. Those numbers are relative...meaning what is that number compared to the rest of your aorta? Mine was 3 times the size at 4.5. This is a good question to ask your cardio.
:D before i nick down to the beach :p

I do agree the size of these things is very relative and yep!...I have heard enough of the tales of those who have "blown-out" at 4.7 or earlier...

I now have my Neuroligist on my side as well who was called my Cardioligist after I left his office this morning to compare notes :)

And I am trying my hardest to get them to give me a referral to a CT surgeon for a consult...

OH YEAH :rolleyes: And any BEFORE photos of me will be totally suitable for all the lil kiddies...I dont do topless! :p
now i have gotta go down the beach before the weather changes and the wind picks up...
cya's al after :cool:
Nick on down

Nick on down

Go on to the beach and work on that tan. It's good to see you've been doing your homework. Have a great day.