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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2002
S.E. Mi
Good Evening everyone.
When Hank first started all of this we had just a small group e-mailing each other.Hopefully some of the old timers still remember me.
I am truly amazed at what Hank has accomplished with this web-site.
I am returning not because of problems I am having but rather to offer any help I can to others as I have tried to do in the past.
I have been away for quite a while due to things like a wedding,retirement and a number of other factors and I now am a rookie here so bear with me.
This is a great site and would have been so valuable to people like myself when I was facing surgery and couldn't find any info except old outdated things at our local library.

Welcome back Rich.

I'm sure you've looked around and read some threads. Needless to say, the site is growing and Hank has had a great dream which is now reality. When I joined, there were somewhere around 250 members. Now, over 550 and still growing.

Look forward to your posts and again, welcome back. :)
Welcome back, Rich!
I just read through your biography again. It's good to have another DEtroit person on the site. Beaumont-Royal Oak was my second choice, mainly because of distance. McLaren in Flint is just over a half hour away, while Beaumont takes an hour if there's no traffic, and considerably longer most of the time. I was just there yesterday in the pediatrics ward. The hospital has really changed in the last few years, but people remain extremely helpful there. Perhaps pumpheadedness explains why I get lost there so often, perhaps pumpheadedness is why I now so easily ask for directions, but either way they are very helpful.
I look forward to seeing you here often!
Welcome back!

Rich is a wonderful man. I am so happy he decided to rejoin!
He was my very first 'heart buddy'. Words can't express how much he assisited me in the beginiing stages prior to my surgery.... when I was scared out of my mind!

Dr. Marty is another thoughtful gentleman that has helped me a great deal! Their knowledge educated me far more than I could have ever imagined.

Thank you both for your kind words and support. My quality of life improved ten fold.

We are fortunate to have you as part of the family.
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Thnk you Ross,Jim and Gina,
My wife and I are orignally from Cleveland but my wife was born and raised in North Canton and still has many family members living there.
I know where your'e coming from.
Beaumont Royal Oak is about a 45 min drive for us but my cardiologist is at Beaumont Troy and that is how I ended up at Royal Oak.
Thank you so much for your kind words and thank you also for your message the other day.People like you and Rain will be very special to me for the rest of my life.
I second what Gina said!

I second what Gina said!

Like Gina and probably everyone else... I was so scared before my heart surgery. And not very familiar with the internet. But I went searching for information and somewhere along the way I ran into Rich. He is the very first person I had contact with who had a mechanical valve. Besides information, he offered me encouragement. .. which I so desperately needed at the time. That?s what makes this site so awesome...the caring and compassionate people who are just loaded with great information.

Rich, you were such an important part of getting me ready for heart surgery. And by doing so, even though I?ve never met you or spoke with you, you are one of the most special people I know. I guess that?s exactly what makes us feel like ?family? here at I'm so happy to see you here. :)

Your heart buddy,


Gosh, Rich, it is so good to "see" you again! I remember back in the "old days"--four years ago, and the wonderful advice you gave me on so many items as I approached and then subsequently had surgery. Hope to see you here often! Susan:cool:
Thank You Susan,
It's good to be back and I hope I'm back for a long, long time.
Hi Rich-

Pleased to meet you. I'm sure that everyone will benefit from your knowledge and experience.

Hope to see you here often.
The pleasure is all mine Nancy.You and your husband are the real experienced experts here.
Iv'e only been at it a little over six years now but hearing all the way from 1977 sure makes me feel optimistic about my future.