I'm glad I'm not the only one holding a "flexible" definition of "middle-aged."
Nah, it's always good to be flexible with definitions...
I'm glad I'm not the only one holding a "flexible" definition of "middle-aged."
ALCapshaw2;321682 If you are showing signs (symptoms) already said:Thanks, Al.
Being new to finally getting serious about my valve issue, I am confused (more than normal) There are symptoms and there are SYMPTOMS. The signs I have I've ignored for four years are difficulty with hills and steps, occasionally getting winded, palpitations, etc. Last year I mentioned some of this stuff to my cardio and he responded "you're 58, you're getting older, and you've put on 20 pounds." Well, I figured, I guess I'm guilty!
Seriously though, I don't get dizzy and I have not fainted. Nevertheless, I sense a concensus from some really knowledgeable people here that I ought to run the situation by a surgeon of my choosing. Why not?
I am 58 and have congenital aortic stenosis. Although I have been asymptomatic, I have been told that I will need a replacement, and the sooner the better. I have seen two surgeons where I live (Pittsburgh), but have not been thrilled with either. I just had a consultation with a cardiologist at Cleveland Clinic, who recommended a surgeon there--Dr. Pettersson. Does anyone have any information about him? I know I will be having surgery in the fall, and I really think it's important to have a rapport with your surgeon. Do you all agree? Thanks for this site--it's been really helpful to me.