New Love?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
My wife brought home a little baby black kitten that she found at the laundromat. This thing will not leave me or her alone. Do I love it and keep it, or do I try to find it's momma? I hate when this happens, but it's so cute and lovable.:eek:

It's falling asleep in my lap as I type this. Cool!
Oh Oh Ross, I think it's already attached itself to you, and pulled on your heart strings. I think you've got a kitten! Is it a boy or a girl? Is it purring for you? They are cute, aren't they?
Well I don't see any nads, so I think she is a female. She purrs up a storm. You can tell she hasn't been weened yet. She keeps looking for a nipple to use. Must go get her some milk! ;)
Sounds to me like you've alread made your decision, Ross.
Besides, if it's a kitten, the chances are that someone dumped it. You have to take care of it now - It picked you.

You deserve a new friend after all you've been through.
Actually, it picked my wife, but I'm the baby sitter while she sleeps and goes to work tonight.

As long as she'll use the litter box, we won't have a problem!
Isn't it just like a little baby human? They are so cute! Where does Lyn work that she has to work nights? Just wondering. THat has to be tough, I remember when Kevin worked nights. You know how pregnant women are? Well, imagine that with a husband that works two nights gets 3 days off, works three days, gets two days off, etc..., 1800 miles away from her mommy! I would cry over ANYTHING! Hormones, who knew, huh? Anyways, enjoy your newborn kitten! Take it easy. Who would dump an innocent little kitten?
Soooo Cute!

Soooo Cute!

Hi Ross!
Aren't kittens so adorable. My hubby and I took one in oh I would say about 8 years ago. At first we only fed it outside and before we knew it it was living indoors with us. They sure do tug at the old heart strings don't they. We have a house full. Two dogs and one cat. Once they are in the house it is sooo hard not to keep them. Let us know what you decide eventhough it sounds like you already made up your mind.

Take Care!
Hi Ross-

Love cats, kittens, puppies, dogs and have had tons of them in my life. Joe is an animal lover too. They are such wonderful company. Enjoy your little gift. Sounds like you will be a super daddy to her.

Don't feed her milk, though. Contrary to popular belief, cow's milk isn't easily digested by kittens and she'll get diarrhea which you definitely don't want. Just get some kitten chow and some canned kitty food. And a litter box.

Happy parenting.
Hi Ross,
Hows the kitten? I have 3 cats. The oldest one is black. Someone stuck it under the garage door at my husbands place of business and he brought her home. That was about 8 years ago. The nice things about pets is they love you and don't disappoint you.
I have her Brother

I have her Brother

My Grandson found her brother in some bushes 2 weeks ago...Begged me to take it home. Stopped by Vet's office for some Advantage for fleas and 1st round of shots. He used the Litter Box from the get-go.. Been 2 weeks and he rules the Roost here:D :D Chasing my Papillon around the house..and my old cat just looks at him..Named him Rufus and I call him Ru=Ru...:p :p Let's have a contest to name Ross's kitten. I vote for Rosie:D :D Bon
P.S. Mine is black too

P.S. Mine is black too

The animal shelter's have to be careful about letting people adopt Black cats around this time of year. Use them for Halloween parties and then throw them away.:mad: :mad: :mad: Bonnie
Joy, love your picture. Now we know who you are. We didn't know before. lol

Name for kitty:

my suggestion #1: Nephrititi (or Nefertiti) - she was the most beautiful black woman in the history of the world, according to legend.

Have had cats named Mehitabel, Priscilla, Penelope, Nutsy (she was), Matilda - Cats need regal names because they are.
Rossman----MISCHIEF is a perfect name for that little one, especially if she takes after her adopted daddy......after all, you can't name her "Screwball," can you????? Lots of luck with her, and don't worry about the litter box, they come with internal radar as to using them. You might want to add a second litter box, though. Sometimes, the other cats don't want any part of the newbie and will start playing games with not going in the box. Make sure you have her spayed.....they come in season VERRRRRY early, usually about 6 months, so don't take that chance. Enjoy her every day, we are blessed with them for such a short time.

my pretties
The pan Penelope is lying in is an aluminum foil roasting pan. Christmas Eve, 2000, I was about to prepare a dish for next day, when I got an emergency call that Mother was very ill. I ran out door, leaving pan on dishwasher - came back 9 days later to find that Penelope had adopted it as one of her special places to sleep. She wore it out, had to get her a new one. The kitten never gets to sit in it, as you can see.
Look Alikes

Look Alikes

Ann..the cat in the hat..I mean pan looks just like my daughter's Tubbs..The one in the front looks just like my 10 year old K.C. (Kitty Cat)..We need to get a life on Monday mornings. Where are you Ross...Playing with Kitty?:D Bonnie
Usually go out on Monday so my bro can have a bit of time away from his place - since he can't go any other way, but this morning I just am not quite up to doing it. Am messin around at home and enjoying the cooler weather we have - it was not quite 70 when I got up, so have windows open! Raaaaay "They" (and we all know who they are) say we could get upper 40s later in the week - for early morning. Nice, huh?

Nancy - Blebs is GOOD. Just right fit for Ross.