Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
I can affirm my relationship.Love the relationship with my percussion massager
I can affirm my relationship.Love the relationship with my percussion massager
I am out of the icu. Having problems with pain control and a desire to eat. Nothing since Tuesday except a piece of bread and a banana. Apple sauce is ok but nothing like meat or pasta. My throat is in bad but getting better. All the tests are very good. Walking is no problem, no dizziness or weakness in the biggest worry is eating, I have asked for different juices. Not very talkative but everyone here says it is normal. Dr said my valve was minusculeBon chance!
Welcome to the other side!I am out of the icu. Having problems with pain control and a desire to eat. Nothing since Tuesday except a piece of bread and a banana. Apple sauce is ok but nothing like meat or pasta. My throat is in bad but getting better. All the tests are very good. Walking is no problem, no dizziness or weakness in the biggest worry is eating, I have asked for different juices. Not very talkative but everyone here says it is normal. Dr said my valve was minuscule
I am out of the icu. Having problems with pain control and a desire to eat. Nothing since Tuesday except a piece of bread and a banana. Apple sauce is ok but nothing like meat or pasta. My throat is in bad but getting better. All the tests are very good. Walking is no problem, no dizziness or weakness in the biggest worry is eating, I have asked for different juices. Not very talkative but everyone here says it is normal. Dr said my valve was minuscule
It takes time to feel better and get the appetite back to normal. You just got out of ICU and now the hard work begins, walking the halls. Take it easy and do what the nice nurses tell you. And no heavy lifting yet. Be good and you will be home soon.I am out of the icu. Having problems with pain control and a desire to eat. Nothing since Tuesday except a piece of bread and a banana. Apple sauce is ok but nothing like meat or pasta. My throat is in bad but getting better. All the tests are very good. Walking is no problem, no dizziness or weakness in the biggest worry is eating, I have asked for different juices. Not very talkative but everyone here says it is normal. Dr said my valve was minuscule
I am out of the icu. Having problems with pain control and a desire to eat. Nothing since Tuesday except a piece of bread and a banana. Apple sauce is ok but nothing like meat or pasta. My throat is in bad but getting better. All the tests are very good. Walking is no problem, no dizziness or weakness in the biggest worry is eating, I have asked for different juices. Not very talkative but everyone here says it is normal. Dr said my valve was minuscule
I am out of the icu. Having problems with pain control and a desire to eat. Nothing since Tuesday except a piece of bread and a banana. Apple sauce is ok but nothing like meat or pasta. My throat is in bad but getting better. All the tests are very good. Walking is no problem, no dizziness or weakness in the biggest worry is eating, I have asked for different juices. Not very talkative but everyone here says it is normal. Dr said my valve was minuscule
I am out of the icu. Having problems with pain control and a desire to eat. Nothing since Tuesday except a piece of bread and a banana. Apple sauce is ok but nothing like meat or pasta. My throat is in bad but getting better. All the tests are very good. Walking is no problem, no dizziness or weakness in the biggest worry is eating, I have asked for different juices. Not very talkative but everyone here says it is normal. Dr said my valve was minuscule
I'm glad to hear yours went well! My surgery is bright and early tomorrow morning. My nerves have definitely been a bit on edge this week building up to it, but reading about your experience immediately ahead of mine has definitely helped to calm some of the anxiety!Really the only issue now is pain control: no problem walking or breathing,the strength is there. Problem arrives about 4pm when pain emerges, first slowly then like a freight train. Extra night time meds mostly anti inflammatories help a lot but make for an exhausting night constantly on the move in the search for relief.
As I typed the above I just had a discussion with staff about trying a mild opiate after supper, I will keep you updated.
this is my last night here . Tomorrow I get sent to a rehab place . I willkeep you updated. In general I am very impressed by the care and money that clearly goes into these places to keep them working at such a high level
I'm glad to hear yours went well! My surgery is bright and early tomorrow morning. My nerves have definitely been a bit on edge this week building up to it, but reading about your experience immediately ahead of mine has definitely helped to calm some of the anxiety!
Really the only issue now is pain control: no problem walking or breathing,the strength is there. Problem arrives about 4pm when pain emerges, first slowly then like a freight train. Extra night time meds mostly anti inflammatories help a lot but make for an exhausting night constantly on the move in the search for relief.
As I typed the above I just had a discussion with staff about trying a mild opiate after supper, I will keep you updated.
this is my last night here . Tomorrow I get sent to a rehab place . I willkeep you updated. In general I am very impressed by the care and money that clearly goes into these places to keep them working at such a high level
The thing is to achieve a level that you can function at. I would have preferred to be stoned and painless for the first two days
Thanks! I am in the rehab place now . Will be here for three weeks.BP is high with the new larger valve /mr muscle left ventricle combination . In my imagination I thought this combo would create a heart with a long pump stroke and low bpm under stress. But not so. BB are still a nice average resting at about 59, . It used to be 55 with BP around 130/80. Post op it ranged wildly from 120s to the 150s, no dizziness issues at all. They decided to Use a beta blocker to get it to stay in the 100/120 range which produced my first sense of light headedness after quick moves.sadly my French is bad (chronic French failure) so I I am not always sure of what they are telling me. But I did not notice a BB in med mix this morning. I only took half the pain meds this morning and feel fine.Hopefully you have the pain now under control. I agree with you on preferring to be painless. I found that each nurse had their own interpretation of pain control, and I really had to self advocate with a few to make sure that I got the pain meds that I needed to stay ahead of the pain. Chasing the pain is difficult- ideally you want to stay just ahead of the pain, but at the same time not use more pain meds than needed.
My first night was challenging in terms of pain, as the nurse did not want to give me much pain killer, preferring that I try to get by mostly on Tylenol. That was a bit rough and at a time when I needed pain control the most.
I stood up for myself the next morning with the new nurse and he was very helpful in advocating for me to the ICU doc to get me better pain control. For the next two days I was given a self administered button with dilaudid. Pretty heavy stuff. They have controls built in that only allow you to push it 6 times/hour. It was ideal because I was able to just use it as I needed. I ended up only using it 1-2 times/hour, but it sure was nice for days 2 and 3 in ICU. That was a game changer for me. I was able to stay mentally alert, but dampen the pain a little when needed, for example, pressing the button just before they came to pull my tubes out.
It is great that you are getting your walking in - keep it up.I liked your video- you look like you are doing just great. It really is something when you think about where you were a couple of days ago and now you are up and about already.
Please keep us posted with the updates.
Wow, 3 weeks in rehab! I was sent home 5 days after surgery, and cardio rehab is outpatient, starting 2 weeks after release.Thanks! I am in the rehab place now . Will be here for three weeks.BP is high with the new larger valve /mr muscle left ventricle combination . In my imagination I thought this combo would create a heart with a long pump stroke and low bpm under stress. But not so. BB are still a nice average resting at about 59, . It used to be 55 with BP around 130/80. Post op it ranged wildly from 120s to the 150s, no dizziness issues at all. They decided to Use a beta blocker to get it to stay in the 100/120 range which produced my first sense of light headedness after quick moves.sadly my French is bad (chronic French failure) so I I am not always sure of what they are telling me. But I did not notice a BB in med mix this morning. I only took half the pain meds this morning and feel fine.