New entry in the home testing market

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This week, I got a letter from St. Jude which I anxiously opened, hoping it was not a manufacturer's recall --------- Luckily for me it was not, it was a brochure. It seems that St. Jude is entering the home testing market with a new device. This is not an endorsement. I know nothing about their device. The brochure was well done and echos my many sentiments for home testing. Just thought you would like to know. Chris :)
Hey there Mr. Crawford..

I checked out St. Jude's website and there's no mention of a Clinical Study or anything in reference to a new home testing device for testing INR and/or PT.

Bet they also mailed out those slick brochures when they were peddlin' their Silzone valves... :eek: And if you've never heard of the infamous St. Jude Silzone valve, well put it in google!

Wonder if they've contacted Al - resident expert of ours? heard from them yet??
Hi Janie - I'm not about to knock them. My St. Jude has been tickin like a Singer Sewing Machine for about 2 1/2 years. Everybody makes a mistake sometime, its just that some tend to do it big time. Hope all well in Texas.
Mr. Crawford, this is good news. Every company that gets into that market legitimizes it more for insurance and government reimbursement. And it forces the other companies to improve their products in order to compete.

Capitalism at work. I like it when it helps people.

Thank you for sharing. I'm really curious if they'v edone something new.

Best wishes,
Oh Chris...I'm not knocking them. I just want to see Clinical Trials and Clinical Studies. Hey, don't you think our own Mr. Al would be their ace in the hole for one of those studies?? How many thousands and thousands of people does he test? More than any one entity on the face of this earth, I would imagine..

Personally, the Hemosense machine impressed me at the Reunion because it's very, very small and that's an asset for the company. I've got a CoaguChek and a CoaguChek S and have tested on a Protime, so I've sure got my "druthers" when it comes to home test machines. Ouchie, I feel like a guinea pig... :eek:
I have confidentiality agreements that don't allow me to reveal the studies that I have done. Sorry.
Chris, I got a brochure too. As you did, I was sweating a bit until I got that sucker open, thinking it was some sort of recall. :eek: Maybe our mutual doc made the recommendation. Although, the letter stated that my surgeon thought I would be a good candidate, which was ironic since that man died a few years ago. I'm guessing it had something to do with the Evansville office, maybe?
allodwick said:
I have confidentiality agreements that don't allow me to reveal the studies that I have done. Sorry.
Oh you do, do ya?
Sherry - Everytime a surgeon puts one of the valves in, he returns a registration card to St. Jude and they are using this mailing list (I assume). Chris
ccrawford said:
Sherry - Everytime a surgeon puts one of the valves in, he returns a registration card to St. Jude and they are using this mailing list (I assume). Chris
I didn't get one. See, I really am the Black Sheep in the family. :(
They wrote you off many years ago Ross, but you're just too d___ mean and keeping coming back. :p
Ross said:
I didn't get one. See, I really am the Black Sheep in the family. :(
Ross, there's a registration link on the St.Jude site to register your valve so you can get recall notices and junk mail. (Maybe even win a trip to Newark, NJ!)
jeffp said:
Ross, there's a registration link on the St.Jude site to register your valve so you can get recall notices and junk mail. (Maybe even win a trip to Newark, NJ!)

Gee where do I sign up? NJ Wow!
jeffp said:
Ross, there's a registration link on the St.Jude site to register your valve so you can get recall notices and junk mail. (Maybe even win a trip to Newark, NJ!)
Well that sucks, my valve is registered, but apparently I need to wake the system up. :D


Will Nathan get a registration card from Carbonmedics, or does St Jude only have this personal registration system?

On topic....Funny that they would notifiy everyone that one is coming with no other news. Must be some marketing strategy there...thinking people will wait and purchase theirs?
I got the brochure, too -- probably everyone with a mechanical St.Jude got one.

They're not marketing a new device, though. It's a announcement that St. Jude and Raytel are partnering to promote home testing. YAY!

Like the Medicare plan, Raytel will provide the tester (Protime or INRatio) and be the middle-man in reporting the results to your doctor. Raytel says they will try to get your regular insurance to cover it. Having these companies promoting self-testing should prod reluctant insurers to get on the bandwagon.

Raytel's web site is
What will St. Jude be selling out of our medical files next?

What will St. Jude be selling out of our medical files next?

My letter says, ?With the agreement of the surgeon who implanted your St. Jude .... blah, blah, blah? If my surgeon agreed to it (and I?m not so sure he did) it just means he made money off of it too! :mad:

We weren?t sent this letter because St. Jude (or anyone else) is worried about our welfare, we were sent this letter because it made St. Jude a lot of money.

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