Last night, my wife came home from work and shortly after, started having severe abdominal pain and vomitting. I ended up taking her to the ER last night. After 2 CATSCANS, they've found a cyst on her left kidney that is bleeding into and around the kidney and some blood is getting up into her abdomen. After her last layoff, they raised the health insurance premium so high that we could not afford it. People, don't go there!
I just got off the phone with the Doctor. He said that she has a deformed kidney that is barely functioning at all and that is it going to have to be removed. He want's to see how she does today and if there is any improvement. If not, he's talking emergency surgery to remove the entire left kidney, possibly tomorrow.
For once, I'm asking for prayers from all of you for my family. I have no idea how we're going to deal with this. Did you ever feel like you can never get a break no matter how hard you try?[/QUOTE
Sounds like the medical staff is right on top of the situation. My prayers are with you.