I am now typing on my new computer.. ..My family has been after me for a year..but I was scared..that a new one..I couldn't handle My old one was my best friend..but it finally froze up yesterday after I clicked on an e-mail from my daughter..I blamed her. ..so, Hubby/I drove down and bought this new one..Hubby set it up last night and with the help of my Internet Provider over the telephone this morning..everything fell into place. I have had to peck and hunt all day for some things.. Ross got me my password for VR.Com..thanks Ross...I used Mary for a guinea pig.. Testing things on her... I just posting my first post on VR.Com and was happy to see all my old things there..Location, signature, ect........I still will just use it for simple things..Like e-mail and VR.Com..May get brave a little later and venture into something else........Glad to be back..Scary when Old Betsy died on me. Bonnie