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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Thank you..friends for asking.:) That is Dalton Wesley Anderson..My new Grandson. He was due to be born..9 months to the day..that I had my Valve replaced..but decided to come a week early:D Thanks to my best friend, Ross, for posting it for me. He is Dalton's Godfather.:) :) I just wanted to say to is Springtime and a NEW beginning for all of us valvers.:) :) So, Dalton says..Happy Easter to all.:) :) :) :) Granbonny
Oooooh, isn't that cute. I saw it on another thread but just figured you were following the new trend - Seen Bunny Rabbit's new avatar yet? But what a good idea - not close enough to expose the baby's face to internet, but enough to be such a beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing.
I thought it was an

I thought it was an

Ann Geddes picture. That is really adorable.
Bonnie, what a sweet boy. Adorable picture.:) I am a sucker for children. Wish we could have had a few more of our own:( We ran the idea of foster parenting by our 6 year old. She didn't like the idea of sharing her Mom and Dad with anyone. I think it would be good for her;)
Gina, this is a tough one. My girls were 11 & 13 when our son came along. He would ask for a brother from time to time and I would explain that he would need to share. Well, he'd think about that one and finally decide he'd rather not share us or anything else that was his. He is 36 now and is a great person - he married 4 yrs ago to a 'late to parents' lady. They are soulmates, maybe because they were raised alone, but are both giving and loving people. And they have no children. They have a wonderful pet that is their child.

If the need is yours, tho, well..........
My daughter always used to say that when the nesting instinct would hit her, she'd go adopt a pet and that would fill her need, at least til it hit again. They now have 3 dogs!


I too am a sucker for kids. My baby is now 22 (in May) and I raised her myself from birth until she was 12 We are very, very close. She is my only blood child (all three are my real children but she is the only one who has my blood). When she went off to school in Aug. 1999 I had a real hard time. I went through empty nest something fierce. I was so depressed until she came home at Chirstmas. Then I was real glad to see her go back:D :D :D That little bit of independence they get after they are gone makes them a little to, shall I say, indepentent. She came home the next summer and that first year was rough for both of us. I didn't want to give up control and she did not think she needed controlling. My house my rules went right out the window. Needless to say when she called after her sophmore year and told me she found a job at school and wouldn't be coming home that summer I had mixed feelings. When my hubby got home from work I said "Honey I have good news and I have bad news". He said "What's the bad news?" I said "Kates not coming home this summer." He said "Okay what's the good news?" I said "Kates not coming home this summer." :D :D :D I love her with all my heart but it is mine and my husbands time now and I love it. I always have kids around anyway (grandbaby, neices and nephews) but now they get to go home.
Bonny, what a beautiful grandchild. A perfect angle, and a great beginning. martha


Ann. my daughter has a rock painting that says..If I want to hear the piddle-pat of little feet around the house. I will put shoes on my dog.:D ...Peggy..BELIEVE me..You don't wean your children until they are age 40.:D :D :D Both of mine call me EVERYDAY.. Married..ages 33 and 35..:p :p It's just something about Mama's ..they want to know..I am still here for them:D :D When we go away..they can even find me on my Mobile phone..Where are yall. when will you be home?????
Mine hunt me up. Even my granddaughter, and my brother. Once I went off on a weekend to Nawleens and when I got back, Atlanta daughter asked me how I could go off without telling her!



Maybe it says..Pittie- pat:p Whatever, a sound made by little ones.:p :p I have to have my mobile on..when I travel .because of Daddy..Age 88. However, he is worse than the children..if I do not call him everyday..He will call. if I miss a day..Where have you been?:p Oh, these Golden years are so much fun:p :p

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