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Because there was some confusion as to whether my old avatar was a crying hamster or a just waking up hamster. I have changed to a very stereotypical hamster running on her wheel.

Has anyone here ever raised hamsters? We lost our Minnie in early september and now Goldie is acting very strange, almost as if hibernating, but the vet said they don't have the instinct to hibernate because they come from the desert. Any thoughts?
I liked your other hamster, but it did confuse me as to whether it was crying or wiping it's eyes. You didn't need to change it because of me.

I'm sorry, I'm not a Hamster Doc. Have you tried searching for some answers. Maybe even check some Vet sites or forums. This is how I found out about PYOTHORAX in Cats, which is what lead to the departure of my beloved pet. ;)
Well, I didn't want to admit that Goldie has been to the vet already for this. $100 later she is still acting goofy. I am just wondering if it is end of life activity. The vet wanted to do a bunch of blood tests and stuff on her and I drew the line at x-rays, stool specimen, urine sample, and an over-night stay. The vet thinks she has some kind of kidney tumor. $100 vet bill for a $6 hamster, crazy I know, but she is a little living creature and I don't want her to suffer.

Syrian (Golden) hamsters are solitary creatures so Minnie and Goldie had separate cages and did not interact with each other. Two Syrian hamsters together would fight to the death. They only meet up with other hamsters to mate. Weird I know. So, I don't think she is mourning Minnie. In fact, I'm pretty sure she doesn't care. I don't think her little brain can process that much information. I suppose it's just that every hamster year is 25 human years. Perhaps her time is coming. They only live a maximum of 1000 days and she's already 2 years old.

Ross ---- I also changed it because I thought the hamster on the wheel was cuter!
I had hampsters growing up (a grand total of 5 at different times) and even had two together (that had babies). Their life span is pretty short. My oldest one lived 22 months. By the end he was very slow and wouldn't eat. His teeth were looser and I took to grinding his food up and mixing it with water to feed him with an eye dropper. I was so sad when he died. I want another hampster.... I haven't had one since I was a teenager. I hope your Goldie perks up. I wish I had some advice for you.
Is that you?

Is that you?

Hey Mara,

How about a picture (Avatar) of YOU vs. an animated rat? [just kidding, you know. All animals are wonderful!]

We still take care of our daughter's golden rat. I think he's about 4 yrs. old. He bites the hands that feed him, the little !?@!!
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Funny you should mention rats. I just made plans to pick up two rats from a women in Milwaukee who had an unexpected litter.

Goldie bites me all the time. I have been gashed a lot. It's a pretty serious bite not just a wee nibble. But the rat fanciers swore to me that rats bite much less than hamsters or gerbils.

As for an avatar of me, I am working on it, but don't have any pictures on a disk yet. Anyway the animated hamster is much cuter than the real me.
I liked the other one better... even if he was crying.

I liked the other one better... even if he was crying.

And all this time I thought Mara was sending us coumadin users a subliminal message with the rat.... :D

Speaking of rats,
I get a kick out of my smooth fox terrier when I take her to petco. She runs to the rat glass cages and just can't get enough of them. It's great fun for her and the rats look at her like they haven't a clue what she is doing!!
She got a rat in our back yard a couple months ago. What a dog!! Actually, she has touched noses with a rat in a regular cage who didn't know about dogs. She was so hyper after that. Probably would be a good earth dog candidate.
Pet rats sure are cute, but definately out of the question for our family of pets, ( 1 cat, 1 terrier)
My mom's wire haired fox terrier loved the hamsters. They stayed at my mom's during my surgery and 4 week recovery. Bud loved those things. They got his favorite snacks, apples and carrot and he always squealed and jumped when anyone would take treats to the hamsters. He was jealous of them. I think he wanted to catch them and bite them as terriers will, but they could have cared less about him.

Today was very sad though, as I took Goldie to the vet to be euthanized. She had not eaten or drank for two days and I got her up last evening to clean her nest and she could barely walk, she was so skinny and weak. The poor little thing. I think she was really suffering and so it was kinder to have her put down than to let her die a horrible death from starvation. :(
Hi Mara-

I'm so sorry to hear about your little hamster. I had one as a child and they are the cutest little animals. So soft and sweet. I'm sure Goldie had the best life with you. My condolences. It's a hard thing to do, but you are a good friend to Goldie.
Thanks Nancy
I am certain Goldie is better now and is frolicking in hamster heaven where there is an abundance of yumy hamster snacks.
Sorry to hear about Goldy. Here are a couple of "frolicking" hamsters I thought you might like.


Thanks Jean.
They are certainly frolicking. Actually the one on its hind legs spinning does really resemble actual hamster moves. They would do that when they wanted out of the cage to play.