Hello from "across the street"
Hello from "across the street"
Zlever - I just read your original post a few minutes ago and like so many others have expressed, I too want to first say THANK YOU for your service to our country.
Hey, if your at Ft. Lewis, then that means I'm right across the street (I-5 that is) from you! I work in DuPont, live in Olympia. I've been in contact with Dr. Dennis Nichols' office for a couple of weeks now and hopefully will pay a visit to him soon. He is the cardio-thoracic surgeon who is conducting the clinical trial for On-X valves out of Tacoma General Hospital. I'm certain he is the surgeon your surgeon referred to about giving an assist with the On-X implant. I've had both email and phone contact with Dr. Nichols RN/research director, Janey. She's been supportive and understanding of my situation (and I'm not even an official patient of Dr. Nichols... yet). Obviously, I'm leaning toward the On-X with the hopes of being accepted into the clinical trial study for reduced anti-coagulant therapy.
Like you, I have small kids (4) at home and the idea of sometime in the near future giving them a hug before surgery quickly brings me to tears. And I know about the anxiety. I thought I was doing OK but it hit me hard yesterday. I've never had a panic or anxiety attack but last night, I had to contact my HMO's urgent care nurse on the phone. I managed to get my thoughts and anxieties under control (with the help of the very kind nurse) and got a few hours of sleep. I woke up this morning feeling much better, went to church and am prepared to take on another day.
Best advice I've seen so far on this web site:
Marguerite53's idea too "Give yourself a personal deadline (say, Dec. 23rd so you don't have to think about it over the actual Christmas Day if you celebrate) for your choice."
Please feel free to email or personal message me. If interested, maybe the 2 of us can get together for a cup of coffee (I'm strictly decaf these days!!!). I promise I'll be as upbeat as possible! And on that note, I'll repeat my story about my 75 year old mom and 46 year old sister. Both live in or near Houston. They are, respectively, 9 months and 6 months post AVR surgery. My mom got a porcine valve. My sister got a St. Jude valve. I visited my mom in Texas about 6 weeks after her surgery. She was creeping around the house but she had the energy to "creep" all day long! Now, 9 months out of surgery, she's literally full of energy and can handle a full day of shopping, cleaning, cooking... all the things my mom loves to do. Prior to surgery for several years, she was good for a a few hours a day and always complaining about being tired. My sister has bounced back even faster and she doesn't even have much to say about the surgery. Honestly, if you ask her, she'll say it was a piece of cake and she'll also make that same comment about her daily coumadin therapy. She says it's no big deal. Now I'm the 3rd in the family to undergo AVR surgery and the pressure is on... NO WAY am I going to be a "sissy" about this!!!
I'm sure I'll have my down days but I find this site to be a great place to sound off. I know that people I work with are not the ones to be my sounding board about my medical issues. But it's good to get into these forums and blow off steam. Lots of caring AND understanding people here.
So, best of luck. Thank you for your service. Drop me a line if you'd like to meet up. Heck, I'll even offer to take you on boat ride into Puget Sound... but I don't get far from shore these days!!