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I had an av node ablation when I had my two valves put in 22 years ago. After about 10 years I started with the symptoms you described and found they found the afib during numerous holters. At the time there was nothing more than trying many different medications which I did. The drs said there were new things on the horizon and just to hang on. It was almost 9 years later that we began the ablations again. By then I had Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome and many many new pathways and fibers causing the afib. Unfortunately they can regenerate. Each time I have an interrogation done my EP told me he closes his eyes and asks the tech is she still in full heart block and when they say yes he takes a breath. I have had both nodes ablated and still pop in and out of afib which shows on the interrogation. I have the three wire defib and my first thought was if they are talking about adding more leads to your defib. I hope you can get some answers to the afib. Very good news that they don't think it is a valve issue. By the way after exhausting the different drugs we came upon Tikosyn which worked the best for afib. Not unheard of that they may do a medication for you.
Kathy, thanks for your response. Thanks Al, for yours also. Kathy, I've been through all the medications over a 20 year period. Believe me, all of them except for Amerodione (sp). They haven't put me on that because of my age and the side effects. They said I was too young to have to deal with possible lung problems. Anyway, I appreciate your input. Since I wasn't able to see my electrophysiologist today, I wasn't able to get to some of the questions that I have answered. And I guess until they do the Holter and look at those results, we won't really know exactly what's going on. I really do hate to think about going back on medication. Most of it made me feel so bad (mostly fatique). I was on Tambacor for almost 15 years, and that worked pretty well until it stopped working. Thanks again. LINDA

So happy to hear your valve is okay - what a relief. I am lucky in that I don't feel my a-fib anymore - just don't have as much energy for the aerobic stuff as I used to so all I take is coumadin.

Maybe you will get used to it as well and not require more surgery or pills.

Praying for you that things get better.

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