Need a Value Surgeon in New York City

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If you don't mind going to NJ, I highly recommend Dr. Asgarian at Hackensack Medical Center.
Let me add that Dr. Asgarian saved my mom's life during an aortic dissection...she has been on dialysis 4 years and also have an artificial aortic valve (done by another surgeon, with whom Asgarian works).
In response

In response

Actually, my mother lives in New Jersey (Essex County). She has been on diaylsis 2 years. So, I assume that Dr. Asgarian has operated on people with mulitple illnesses. How is your mother now? How long did it take for her to recover? Did she have other illnesses besides diaylsis? Thank you for your response.

Does Dr. Asgarian concentrate on high risk patients? I will discuss this with my mother. We need to have a third opionion...One Doctor expressed that fact that the risks of this surgery are enormous. That with multiple illnesses, the surgery can be sucessfull, however, complications arise after...blindness, stroke, mental capacity effected, etc... Have you heard about these risks?

Thank you
(Pearl's daughter)
I don't know if he specializes in them or not, my mom's case was an extreme emergency and he took her on...her cardiologist said many surgeons would have refused, which I find just so disturbing. If she hadn't had surgery she wouldn't have lived another 24 hrs. It's been a very long recovery...her surgery was Dec. 12th. She had a few complications (collagped lung, then a problem with exhaling carbon dioxide) and didn't come home until February...and she has been back in for problems with her dialysis graft and is in right now because of fluid build up (which was the fault of her dialysis center)...she also has congestive heart failure. She uses a walker now if she has to walk more than 50 feet or so and it was a very slow recovery, but she's doing much better than anyone expected. She's 68 by the way.
Treatment for aorta value without surgery?

Treatment for aorta value without surgery?

There must be many people who can not have surery for one reason or another. There must be some treatment out there for these people. I am sure my mother is not the only person in this situation.

I called Dr. Oz's office. And because my mother saw Dr. Smith who is in the same office, the secretary said she will get the records and give them to Dr. Oz. If he feels differently that Dr. Smith she will be called in for another appointment. However, Smith felt that my mother's condition had to many risks attached to it to do value surgery. I thought Dr. Oz might be someone to go to because he deals with alternative medicine. I am hoping that he might be able to suggest some other kind of treatment.

Is there a Doctor in the New York New Jersey area that deals with alternative medicine with regard to the Heart and multiple illnesses? I have looked on the internet with no sucess.

Thank you all for all your help .
(Pearl's daughter)
Will Long Island do?

Will Long Island do?

I did my surgery in St Francis in Roslyn, NY. Dr Damus is the best there. I searched all metropolitan area, and I don't think there are any good heart surgeons in NJ (my personal oppinion, I live in NJ)
My 10 year old had her heart surgery at Saint Francis is Roslyn also, they are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the Doctors and they are STATE of the ART!!! My husband had heart surgery at North Shore in Manhasset which was great also, but I wasn't crazy about the doctors there. They are good doctors but they are very vage with giving info you have to push it out of them. Good luck to you
hi glenda!
i had emailed you a list of potential valve surgeons in the ny area, starting with dr. stelzer who did my husbands surgery, then colvin,oz, then dr. damus at st. francis who did my father's vr. and dr. james taylor at st. francis who did tyce's (evelyn's husband's surgery), did you ever receive that email?
there are so many in ny to choose from if that is where you have your heart set, but as others mentioned, there are so many capable surgeons nearby as well.
please let us know how you make out.
all the best, sylvia
Sylvia and Joey,
I just sent my echo film and heart cath disk off to Dr. Stelzer for review. I'm hoping things will work out where he is able to perform the Ross procedure on me.
in response

in response

Thank you Sylvia. yes, I did receive all the names of the Doctors that you suggested. However, my mother is not a candidate for surgery. She has too many illnessess. The risk of a stroke, lessened mental capacity, blindess , amongst other things to tooooo high. She might live through the surgery, but the risks of other things happening is greater.

We are now in the process of looking for alternative MD's in this field who treat patients like my mother. So, that is our direction.

To look at her, you would never know she is ill. She drives, goes to dialysis 4 times a week, is extremely motivated and interesting...she looks about 65. She is 76. It is difficult to see her as having a illness that could cause sudden death.

Anyway, if you have any suggestions about an alternative Doctor to see, I would very much appreciate it. Thank you
(Pearl's daughter)