So, I went to the hospital early today because the procedure was going to be done between 8 and noon. Then it was rescheduled for 12:30. I had a dental appt that could not be cancelled at noon, and it was a short one and close by, so I figured I'd get back when he was in recovery.
So when I came back I went to the procedure area. No Joe. I asked where he was, and they said they were wondering also, so they called the transporters to find out. He was supposed to be on the way. So I waited and waited and waited. Finally, one of the gals from the procedure area came out and told me that the procedure had been scrubbed. So I went upstairs to his room, and it turns out that he was on the gurney just entering the elevator doors, and the nurse called him back. His latest bloodwork showed very low platelets, too low to go ahead. So they ordered 6 units of platelets. Joe is a difficult match and the bloodbank said they wouldn't have them until late this afternoon. And the procedure would be done tomorrow.
So I went down to the caf to get him a coffee, since he was starving and thirsty. By the time I got back, I was told that the procedure was back on again. The bloodbank had found some platelets. And as soon as they were transfused, the procedure would be done.
And this time it went forward.
He's doing well, ate some dinner and is not feeling bad at all, just a little very minor cough.
Nothing is ever easy for him.
Now we wait to find out what, if anything, showed up.