My turn to VENT!!!!!!!

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Well, you know how it goes - no good deed . . . yadda yadda yadda

I'd check it out pdq; particularly if you ever drive in those states. They could have a warrant out for you because of something stupid like no insurance on the car or expired registration, and you wouldn't know until you got pulled over for something else entirely. Better to take care of this proactively so you DON'T end up in the hoosegow.

I just can't believe the Boy Scouts are such drips.

Have a nice weekend.

My husband and i had something sort of like this happen to us. We traded in a car to a dealership, and a few months later, my father in law calls us telling us we had a parking ticket. We were like, "wait a minute, no we don't." and about 6 months later we hear that the car had been totalled and that it was still in our name. Well, it turns out that the dealership had never applied for the title to the vehicle...they never even paid it off! I found this out when we got a letter in the mail saying we still owed them money, and I was like, I don't think so! So we got that straightened out, and then we had to take the owner of the dealership to court, and of course he never showed up, so the case got thrown out and we won. THen the person who bought the vehicle(who was trying to sell it) took my lawyer to court, and after we won, we just gave him the title as a good faith thing. It was just a matter of winning over the car dealership. I found out later that the dealership had been shut downI guess we weren't the only ones that they'd done that to. We were fortunate that my mom works for a laywer in that state and we got the legal services and advise for free!
This all goes to show how important it is to fill out and send to DMV the proof of transfer of ownership.

Years ago, I had a similar problem in that a vehicle I sold had been abandoned. Fortunately, I had sent the original 'transfer' form (shows odometer reading) but I kept a copy and had the name, etc of the person I sold it to.

It really is too bad we all have be so aware of the exsistance of these types!!! I hope a call to the DMV will afford you a simple solution.

Boy Scouts of America

Boy Scouts of America

The Boy Scouts of America is a wonderful program. My boys have been a part of it since they started as six year old Tiger Cubs. They are now 19 & 22 and still members of the organization... even though they earned the rank of ?Eagle? long ago. I would hate to discourage anyone from putting their children in the program.

Boy Scouts teaches kids about so many things other than out door survival.. (seems to be what most people think its all about) They learn the importance of community service, dedication to God and country, respect, loyalty, leadership... .. so many things. It?s recognized as the great program it is in many places... for instance on every scholarship and college ap I helped my boys fill out it asked if they were an Eagle Scout.

I?m sorry that your title didn?t get taken care of... I would think it should have been signed over to The Boy Scouts of America when you donated it. Lets not give the Boy Scouts a bad rap...
They go on to become the leaders in our country!

The proud Mom of two Eagle Scouts! :)
I hereby apologize for saying the Boy Scouts are drips; Of course, I only meant in terms of taking care of the title. I agree with everything you say about the Scouts, and congrats on having Eagle Scouts for sons; says an awful lot about them and you folks as parents.

These organizations that take cars as contributions need to understand how important it is to take care of the title requirements. And my comment about the scouts being drips certainly was only meant to reflect on this problem. It was off-the-cuff and I'm sorry to have written it that way.

Yes Rain,

I did not mean to put down the Boy Scouts. I think they are a wonderful organization; there are three generations of Eagle Scouts in my family. This is why it was such a surprise that things didn't pan out with my car. Hopefully that was just the exception to the norm!

I hope I didn?t sound rude. I didn?t mean to!!

I hope I didn?t sound rude. I didn?t mean to!!

Georgia and Jennie,

I totally agree.... anyone who accepts an automobile should understand the responsibilities that go along with it. I just didn?t want anyone thinking poorly of the Boy Scouts. I truly believe it is a great program. If I came across as rude... I apologize!! Didn't mean to!!
About a mile from my house is a boy scout facility that is about 3000 acres of woods, lake, cabins, offices, boat ramps, etc. Boys come from all over the country to this camp. It is truly awesome. Drove through it once and one would never expect from the outside what is within those gates.

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