Lots of pics Of Brian's wedding here http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=569347664&v=photos
That was a good friend of his but I know he would have gone to that if it was not his wedding.......VERY PROUD and thanks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, off, then the tie and out came the shirttails and he was finally dressed to his satisfaction! Best wishes to the bride and groom. Blessins.............
I THINK I have figured it out
If you are interested I have pics of my son's wedding up on facebook
If you have an account you can log in then go to
and choose either wedding album
I went to the link... no albums available.
I'm signed in to my account.
Maybe you can help me,,,,,,, first I set the albums (2 wedding) to "everyone" THAT did not seem to work and then I went to privacy settings and set "everyone" there ......any suggestions in the meantime I am accepting all friend requests