My Son Chris

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I have found that the Infectious Disease docs are some of the best doctors Joe has had in his long career. They seem to be the persnickitiest (sp?) ones. I hope Chris is under the care of one. They get things figured out pretty fast and the drugs are absolutely tailored to the problem.

Joe just got finished with not one, but three different bugs, Klebsiella pneumonia, MRSA and something that grew on the first dialysis catheters. They are all under control, although he is still in a room where I have to wear a gown and gloves. The mask has been discontinued.

So, my guess is that by tomorrow, Chris will have a plan for his problem. Sometimes it is best not to mask any of the symptoms with Tylenol, etc. The height of the temp tells them things.


I hope Chris's temp is back to normal this a.m.:) B/T/W..Is Savannah still in the hospital?Will Chris go back to his friend's house when he is discharged?...Still praying for a quick recovery for Chris.:) Bonnie
Ross -

So sorry to hear of your stress. I have been hospitalized w/out a person to come visit and it sucks. Maybe Chris can get some courage thinking about the 10,000+ soldiers who have been wounded in Iraq - seriously injured, missing limbs, and miles away from loved ones, often in overseas hospitals for months. He is relatively lucky. His family is nearby. He is getting excellent medical help. He can talk with you by phone. This is character-building time for Chris. I hope he captures the opportunity and realizes how fortunate he is (now wouldn't that be nice? :D )

Ive been following Chris' story with dismay and sympathy! Your whole medical system seems completely mad to me at times and I can only hope that things begin to look up for your family very soon!!!!
Lots of love
Granbonny said:
I hope Chris's temp is back to normal this a.m.:) B/T/W..Is Savannah still in the hospital?Will Chris go back to his friend's house when he is discharged?...Still praying for a quick recovery for Chris.:) Bonnie
I honestly don't know what his intentions are after discharge. Savannah is out and was up to see him Saturday when we got there. She's doing very well, but missing her glasses something awful. The whole world is a blur to her without them. I presume she's having some made by now.

Chris is getting Blood this morning. Fever comes and goes. Plastic surgeon is supposed to come in and see if his services will be needed.
Ross - I believe it is pouring in your neck of the woods. Are brothers now able to visit? You and Lyn need some down time to get back on your alls feet. You all have been in my prayers and will continue to be.
Oh my goodness Ross, how difficult for you and Lyn, not to mention for Chris! Bad timing with whatever you and Lyn have, but on the other hand, maybe it is a sign that you need to take care of yourself as well as worry about Chris.

At least Savannah is able to visit. That should help. And perhaps a brother will be able to get there? And you can talk on the phone. It's a shame about the nurse not answering your questions. Would you do any better calling the doc's office? Might not.

I know a friend of mine used to hide in the hospital behind the curtains until the docs did their rounds in order to talk to someone about her father. It was the only way she could ever catch someone. Sad commentary!

Take care.
Ross Man...sending prayers by the bucketfull! good luck to you and yours. You've been so valuable to me, to all of us, we send you mighty waves of good thoughts.
Hi Ross. Just got back into town and am catching up on your son's news. It seemed to be encouraging for awhile, and I hope when you awaken tomorrow morning there will be more good news and the fever will have broken.

I know it seems that you can't be there with your son, but in fact, you are very close by and keeping a watchful eye on things for him. You really are. Even if he has to be there all alone, he knows you are a phone call away. Please stay rested and don't let this bug get the best of you. Lyn, too.

Sending you all my thoughts and best wishes.

Ross - how are things going today? Am sending prayers & good thoughts to you and Lyn and Chris. Any results from the tests? Has Chris' fever broken? Are you and Lyn over the plague?
I second that.................

I second that.................

hensylee said:
uh oh, no post from Ross today. He said he was catching what Lyn has. If anyone hears, let the rest of us know?

along with probably five hundred others on here at least. Ross, please check in. We have a pretty lengthy prayer list, believe me, but your family is at the very top.................well, after my own kids! ;) But we are concerned and we love you. (but not enough for a bikini pic :D ) Hugs. J. P.s. I feel helpless just reading your posts. If I were rich and didn't have to work, I would be up there in a pun intended.
I went and saw the boy errrrrr Man last night. He's complaining about everything and everyone. I cannot get him to change his attitude at all. He's mad because a nurse refused to empty his urinal and fill his pitcher with water. I looked at him and said, "Chris, if you can get out of bed to go poop or walk in the hall, why can't you empty your own urinal and take two steps over to the sink and get your own water? The nurses are not your private slaves." That didn't go over too well.

They took him down to surgery this morning to clean out the wound and let the plastic man see what he can do. They will be transfering him to Akron City Hospital tomorrow, where the plastic man will have his way with him.
Well, no offense to anyone by this comment - but most of the boys errrr men in my life are horrible patients. My husband is grouchy, insulting, and obnoxious as a patient - and then usually remembers little of this behavior post healing. Chris is probably no exception - add in all of the stress of the circumstances of his injury.....I'd probably feel like throwing that urinal at someone myself (and I happen to be a most gracious patient:rolleyes: ).

Continued prayers for you all. May God Bless the skill of all of his docs!!!
Well, maybe he will somehow feel better about those things at this new hospital.

Just as an aside, here. My father punctured his heel with a blackberry thorn years ago, and while certainly his age (80's) had a lot to do with his inability to heal, I wanted at least to mention to you that we finally got him to a "wound care specialist" and she was amazing! She knew more than anyone about the nature of healing. If Chris's healing process hits a roadblock, please look into this kind of specialist. They are amazing.

Hope today is a good day.

:) Marguerite
I do not know Chris' normal personality but I think it is important to remember that pain meds and strong antibiotics can drastically affect one's personality. He may not have control over his reactions like he normally would.

Now, if he is normally a PITA, then that is different.;) :D