My Scar Photo

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I had my surgery about 4 weeks ago.
I had a Aortic Valve Replacement.
My scar is about 1.2 inches long.
There were never any staples or stitches, i think they used glue.


PS: I need to shave bad I know....:eek:
Looks like you had minimally invasive,same as Dick- looking good. You need to get a tawdry shirt from someone!:)
Wow. Your scar looks great after onlt 4 weeks. You can hardly see it. At 14 months, mine is still quite noticable (quite dark relative to the rest of my skin). Your looking great...congratulations!!! :D
welcome, Tommy Glad to have you aboard.

The Tawdry Shirt! click on new posts (above) and you will see some threads with it mentioned in the title. Click on those posts and you can see for yourself.