My scar a year ago and today...

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
OK, here's what my scar looked like 10 days after surgery and today. You can barely see my scar now...maybe it's because I really need a tan! :p Just a warning, though, the "new scar" photo is a little gross--scabs and all.
And here's the other one... a little blurry

And here's the other one... a little blurry

Here's my scar on my 1-year anniversary...hard to see because the scar is pretty light and the flash was on. You can see a little of it near the left side--sorta pink still.
Wow! That is amazing! You do need a tan! Put on a skimpy bikini and go flash that beautiful scar! You live in California, after all!
And since I'm picture-happy, here's a picture of my valversary cake! Too pretty (and delicious) to eat!
Lisa in Katy said:
Wow! That is amazing!

That "is" amazing!! It's gone!!! I guess I am lucky I am so hairy:eek: Any way when I was in Hawaii the sun really turned mine pink but it faded back white pretty quick. I can see why people would question your surgery. Most assume it has to be a crack open job. I did until I got thrown in the mix.

You should be proud!!!!

Can I have a corner piece?? I LOVE frosting!

I form keloid scar tissue and my scar looked pretty nasty for about 10 years. In the last 6 it has lightened and smoothed out considerably with only a little keloid area towards the bottom. Go figure???
Hi, Bina--
Actually, my scar healed fairly quickly, though I couldn't wear a bra for about three weeks. White tank tops worked nicely for a while, and I still can't wear underwires because they're not comfortable.

One of my students had it made for me. What a sweet (no pun intended) surprise!

Whaddya mean you want to see more? I have a picture of me and my cardio that I took for my surgery scrapbook. You can see how "cute and adorable" I am compared to my big fat doctor. :p
My chest hair normally covers my scar, too, but I had to shave for the photo. Didn't want any of you all getting jealous. ;)
Stay away from underwired bras, they are not good for you! Some years ago when I was slim I was doing some work in my garden including rewinding a long electrical lead, the repetative movement caused pressure from the underwire and it resulted in me getting thrombophlebitis in a vein in the side of my breast - very painful. It is called Mondor's disease and isn't very common - just painful. The general surgeon I was referred to (for possible breast cancer involving the lymphatic system!) said never to wear underwired bras and I don't, I can do without that pain again. Before anyone asks, it resolves itself in about six months without treatment.
Wow! I'm totally amazed. You can barely see it. Congrats!

Mine is also a year old but it ended up being very dark and very visable against my "normal" skin tone. :(
gadgetman said:
Take it from someone who knows, them under ware bras kin be downright dangerous when them wares poke thru.:eek: OUCH!!!!!! :eek: :eek:

Might near put my eye out!!!! ;) :p

Bubba :)

Now Bubba you should know to take that thang off afore you get comfortable;) If you cant find the hook in the back try the front.......or is that how you got poked in the eye???:D

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