Way to go, Norma! We're all in your corner. You have an indomitable spirit -- you shall prevail! Sending my best vibes and of course prayers....
And in the blue corner Norma Jean ......................
Go for it girl.![]()
I have done a lot of thinking & I came to the conclusion that at 57 yrs old & the fact that I am very much in control of most of my senses, I am not ready to give in & wait to die.
njean, Dr. Lytle will operate on me on July 25th for my 2nd AVR. I chose him because he told me 40% of his business are redo's. He has Fridays set aside for those. I am more comfortable with the surgery because of this. I was looking for a doc who had been here done that. I hope he's the man. I'll let you know afterwards.
Ooops, I can't see who I'm "duking it out" w/Bonzo Dog!!! I wanna see, I wanna see!!!
Sorry I'm late, but add me too!
Is it that you can't see Bonzo's picture or that you can't see who the person is in the picture?