My being on dial up could take a looooong time to go through these hoo.
I'd have too many to suggest....................................
Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"You better not try to stand in my way" ... J Paycheck ... 'Take This Job & Shove It'
Sounds like an issue with your ISP. Since youtube is streamed, it depends on a constant flow of incoming data and it sounds as though yours is coming in small chunks. Do you know how to do a trace route? Doing one may show where the problem is.
Thanks Ross , I will check it out , I am no computer genius , so I just
kinda learn as things come up (or go wrong),and you know how slow
that kind of training can be--Dina
Wow , You dream BIG!I'll make a network administrator out of you in no time!![]()
You'd be the ideal candidate to find one. Think it through and post a couple.
I would fly anywhere in the world to see this guy -- if he'd just perform.
Neil, good shout Sheza. Have watched the film of recent his concert in Nashville twice in the past couple of weeks.Now how would Joe Public get a ticket for gig that I wonder?