My mother's Mother's Day

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2005
Louisville, Kentucky
My mother's Mother's Day was spent in the ER. She's been having a racing heartbeat (apparently for a while and she didn't tell me :( ). She drove herself to the ER at noon and they've admitted her. She didn't have a heart attack. They will be doing a stress test in the morning, but just the nuclear exercise. So, when you're going through your prayer list please remember her. I want them to accurately diagnosis her so she can quit being her own heart doctor (she had been taking my stepfather's nitroglycerin tablets...don't know exactly for what).

Wise, so sorry to read that your Mom is having problems. I will keep her in my prayers.
if she was taking nitros, she was probably having pain! Bless her heart. Sometimes we mothers are really stubborn and don't want to complain to 'the children' (guilty here) so we just go on hoping things will fix themselves. Then it becomes an emergency or at least a dire warning. At least she is now in good hands and you will ALL know what is happening, very soon. And now that you know, you will keep a good eye on her and watch for signals that she's having a problem of any sort (like my daughter, the hawk) because she just might not tell you. Give her a sonly hug, tell her you love her and she is in lots of prayers for good news. Blessins.....
Hope all goes well for your Mother, Wise. Yes, I guess that's what mothers do. We are so use to take caring of others, including hiding our own problems from them so as not to worry them. Shame on us!- sending you all our best wishes.
After I got home last night the hospital called to tell me they put my mother in ICU. The cardiologist came in and was NOT happy with what the ER doctor's diagnosis was (high blood pressure). He ordered an echo and discovered that she had a major heart attack. He said that her heart is beating at only 25 - 30% of normal capacity. I went back to see her and she was having a lot of tightness in her abdomen and chest. They gave her morphine; that helped a lot. They're going to do a catherization this morning. Dr Omar, the cardio, said that even a nuclear stress test would kill her! Thanks so much for your prayers at this time.

Wise, I am so sorry to hear this. I know how distressed you all are. My sincere prayers are for her - and for you all. Now that she is in the hospital and in guarded care, maybe they can at least halt any further damage. When you can, you will post to us. God bless.
Your mom is in my prayers, Wise. Please let us know how the heart cath goes.
Continuing to keep her in my prayers. Did the dr. say when she had the heart attack? Was it yesterday or is this one that she had prior and it went by undx'd or unnoticed?
Oh, Wise, sorry to hear of your mom's problems. Interesting that the initial tests showed no heart attack. Was the attack while she was in the hospital?
I will add her to my prayer list and hope you are doing okay too.
Thanks for all of your prayers and kind words. Mom is pretty serious condition. I don't really understand when she had the heart attack. He didn't find a blockage above 65%. Concerning that he said that she may have a blockage and with the nitro and whatever that is may have opened up. Sounds confusing to me. He says there is significant damage to the right side and bottom of her heart. She's having multiple PVCs and A-Flutter; he seems most concerned about that right now. I wish I could explain this better but that's all I know. We really like the cardiologist; he was patient with our questions and showed us her cath results on the monitors there in the lab. Will let you know how she's doing as I know.

It seems that when it rains it pours. I found one of my nieces (about 28 yrs old) is having her thyroid removed due to thyroid cancer; not telling mom about that right now. They told my niece, Kristie, if you're going to have thyroid cancer this is the easiest kind to treat.

I'm a little overwhelmed right now, but this too shall pass. Thanks for "listening".

I am so sorry for all that is happening. Your mom and niece and you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
So sorry to hear this, Wise. It's a scary thing. I'll keep your mom in my thoughts and prayers.
I re-read my last post and can tell I was tired and not with it. The doctor is taking my mother out of ICU tomorrow. That's good, I guess. What I know for sure is that she has significant damage to her heart and that her heart looks like she's had a major heart attack, but the blood tests and heart cath don't show that:confused: :confused: .

I have a question. Do you think something else could have caused the damage to her heart besides a heart attack. She's been having a "racing heart", as she calls it, for a while....for at least a year:eek: . The cardiologist does seem determined to find out exactly what's what with her heart, so we like that. But, it seems to me that just maybe she didn't have a heart attack??

Continued thoughts/prayers for your Mom ... and new thoughts/prayers for your niece.

Very sorry things are overwhelming you right now :(.
Wise, at a time like this, you are definitely out of sorts and it's hard to take it all in. The answer to your dilemma is TIME WILL TELL ALL (well, some, anyway). You just have to wait for all the testing to come in. At least she's coming out of ICU and that shows improvement is happening. Let her know she's on lots of prayer lists. We are waiting with you.