My journey on the bumpy road

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Thanks Alli.... Hopefully I will be out of here in a few days... The night times are the worst cause I am still having nightmares and they are really bad ones. When I left this place I think they will stop cause then and only then all of this will be behind me.

I tell u what NOT TO DO.... never ever watch "The hang over" when you have your sternum cracked cause the pain of laughing then coughing uncontrollable is murder !!!
Dave - Keep an eye on that cough. I had a dry, hacking cough for about the first 4 or 5 weeks after surgery. I had to get a prescription for something to subdue the cough, as I couldn't even carry on a conversation without a coughing bout. Finally at about 5 or 6 weeks, it just stopped. . .
Two quick thought for Dave

Two quick thought for Dave

1) I also came down with a bug a week or two after I got home. Slight fever, but I couldn't stop coughing long enough to fall asleep. Prescription cough syrup with codeine stopped it quick, and the fever went away in a few days. (Soon after that, I had an a-fib episode that got me to the ER with V-tach, which MIGHT have been related to the illness or to all the garbage Boost and Ensure that I consumed while I had it.)

2) Your pain from "The hang over" takes me right back ~3 decades. Just got home to my apartment, post-op from my first inguinal (groin) hernia surgery. I'd stopped next-door at a supermarket for some food, and by the time I finished shopping I was almost INSIDE the cart I was so exhausted. Dragged myself home, plopped into bed, snoozed a while, then rolled over to find my half-read copy of Woody Allen's Without Feathers, a collection of funny short stories. I started reading one, came to one of his off-the-wall hilarious images, started laughing, and couldn't stop. I literally thought I was going to bust a gut and die in bed, alone in my apartment. For maybe an hour, I alternated between painful laughing and exhausted rest, ending when that image flashed into my mind again and I cracked up again.

Good luck and good healing!
Glad to hear that you got the go ahead to go home! I am sure you are looking forward to recovery in your own and familiar surroundings. more speed bumps.
Heheohi... Went down to shopping centre and walked around for a while but was pretty stuffed when I got back... Still cannot take a really deep breathe yet.... Have a big cough first thing in morning as you can hear a crackle in chest but after a big cough it's all good...