My INR today was 4.5!

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Ok! Today I went in for a recheck of my 4.5, did what I was told cut my 10mg dose in half on Wed & Thurs. nights, also took it on myself to only take 7.5 on Friday night. Today Monday! it was 1.9?? I just can't believe this drop in five days, I get a recheck next Monday! I did eat a salad and avocado dip and a few green beans during this time, it sure was good. Does anyone understand why it would drop like that? This INR crap is driving me up a wall! Help me, I am sick of it!

Let's see, your Clinic advised you to cut your dose by 50% for 2 Days and YOU decided to drop another 25% on day 3 and you are asking why your INR dropped from 4.5 to 1.9???

Do you remember what several members suggested (i.e. cut 50% for ONE Day and retest in 4 to 7 days)?

Maybe it's time for you to send $5 to AL Lodwick to pay for his Dosing Guide (see his website Then you will "Be Prepared" for the Next Time your INR is out of range.

The AAFP (American Association? of Family Practicioneers) also has a Dosing Guide on their website. The link has been posted several times in the AntiCoagulation Forum. If you can't find it, ask Ross. He always seems to come up with it's address.
:) ...... Does anyone drink and take warfarin?

Normally, I drink once in a blue moon ... yet during the last two weeks I had a marguarita, Mojito, 4 0z of wine twice, and Bailey's irish coffee. I also binged these two weeks on avocados, hummus, garlic, spinach, greens I did not care for before (e.g. Broccoli) etc.

I can't wait to see what my INR is tomorrow at the cardio's office using Coagucheck XS. Two weeks ago it was 2.4 and he asked me to increase my dose (which is 7 a night) by 2 mgs on Tuesdays and remain on 7 the rest of the week.
Normally, I drink once in a blue moon ... yet during the last two weeks I had a marguarita, Mojito, 4 0z of wine twice, and Bailey's irish coffee. I also binged these two weeks on avocados, hummus, garlic, spinach, greens I did not care for before (e.g. Broccoli) etc.

I can't wait to see what my INR is tomorrow at the cardio's office using Coagucheck XS. Two weeks ago it was 2.4 and he asked me to increase my dose (which is 7 a night) by 2 mgs on Tuesdays and remain on 7 the rest of the week.

Man & here I was feeling guilty for drinking a marguarita or mix drink once a month! In hearing you all talk, I'm a saint!! :p :D
Yes, dear Norma, you are a saint. I do not know what is going on with me...too many celebrations!

(Being a saint, go and read the latest joke I added yesterday).:D

LOL! I read your joke my dear friend & I thought I was seeing things --- I had to make sure it was YOU that posted it! LOL!!!! :):p

Welcome to the world of medical professionals who should be doing other work. The person who is relgulating your coumadin is making a big error. Pretty soon you are going to be see sawing up and down.

You have an aortic valvereplacement. Your range should be 2.0 to 3.0. Your latest INR was 1.9......I said it once today, I'll say it again, she is trying to drive in a thumb tack with a sledge hammer. An INR of 1.9 is acceptable for someone whose range is 2.0 to 3.0. This is not a large difference. I would change nothing....If you are so concerned that you feel you must increase your Coumadin, increase it by 1.0.

Taking 15.0 is definately going to shoot your INR up to the sky.

Many of us here have told you exactly what would happen...your INR went down. Now, if you do as directed, I am sure your INR increase considerable and you will be higher than before.

Remember, you have an aortic valve. Your desired range is lower than those with mitral valve replacement because the blood is faster for the aortic valve. You are just fine now.

Wish you the very best.


Well I think you are right! But now I have done what she told me to do. My Card.Doc wants my INR between 3.0-3.5 as of now I have already taken the 15mg. My husband thinks she is a nutt and I am starting to also. I am going to buy me a home testing machine. Just not sure which one is the best. I think I can dose myself better. I like my INR between 2.5 and 3.0 just a comfort zone for me. Thanks for the info! We are suppose to trust these people but all they do is scare the he!! out of me sometimes! It is just ridiculous!
Just checked out the menu and it sounds great..! Manuel?s at the Arboretum and I'll send you a PM. Have you been to the one on Congress??

Edited: Well, since I can't send a PM, maybe you could just email me..

I sent you a PM. :)
Noel had an INR of 4.7 last week. The tech had him skip the first night then lowered some of the doses for the week. Yesterday it was 1.9! This happens about once a year and it scares us too. We keep saying we are going to try for home testing. I think by now we could do better.
Noel had an INR of 4.7 last week. The tech had him skip the first night then lowered some of the doses for the week. Yesterday it was 1.9! This happens about once a year and it scares us too. We keep saying we are going to try for home testing. I think by now we could do better.

Never skip a dose for anything under 5 unless there is bleeding, which there shouldn't be at that level. I would have half dosed for two days then resumed schedule.

As for home testing...Heck yes, you could do better. It's a proven fact!

When I was going to the clinic for INR draws, I was in range only 45% of the time. Since home testing and self dosing, I'm 85%.
How much was Noel's dose prior to the change? People on larger doses experience more of a drop than those on smaller doses. I take 70/week (10/day). I would have done something similar to Ross's suggestion, but at my larger dose, 1/2 for 2 days would drop me too low. I probably would have done a 20% decrease for 2 days and taken 8 for 2 days then resumed.

Yes - absolutely do home testing. It really takes the worry away from out of range INR's. Going to a clinic to test is like driving down a steep mountain road with an unknown driver. Home testing is putting you at the wheel to make the choice on how the "driving" is done.
Noel had an INR of 4.7 last week. The tech had him skip the first night then lowered some of the doses for the week. Yesterday it was 1.9! This happens about once a year and it scares us too. We keep saying we are going to try for home testing. I think by now we could do better.

Noel has 2 mech valves so he really is better off with a bit of a higher INR than a too low one.....around 3.5 is still very safe.
I can't imagine why they had him hold a full dose for a slightly high INR.
With the 4.7 INR I would have taken one half dose and tested again the next week.
(providing there was nothing obvious that was creating an up-trend)

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