Congrats!! Wishing you the best
I can't express enough joy at the encouragement all of you bring me. I am going to see a heart failure specialist next week. He is in Chapel Hill,N.C., about 3 hours away. He is on the cutting edge of research and treatment of patients like me. I think he will bring a fresh perspective to my case and maybe even have some ideas that can help me. I'll keep you posted and again thanks to all of you that send good thoughts and prayers my way.
I am celebrating the first year with mixed emotions. I am so very thankful to be here but have not progressed like I thought I would . I had my echo Monday and the numbers just seem to be getting worse. I had high hopes with the new valve,things would improve. The damage to my heart is just too extensive. It always takes a few days to wrap my head around the news and get back to my happy place. It takes a lot of work to be strong but I know down deep inside myself I will find what I need to move ahead.
Thanks to all the folks here who encourage each and everyone that visits. I dont speak out much but it is so comforting to come here and read about people having the same daily struggles and prevailing over them.
I will have my pity party and move ahead!!